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~chapter twelve~

(Lance's pov)

A snicker made its way to my face as I saw first Jarric's wolf and a rust colored wolf appear out of the woods, then Ulric's black wolf with a white wolf, just a bit smaller then him, fallowing close behind, and lastly, the three wolfs who dad sent with Jarric. The three wolfs trotted back into the crowd of curios werewolf, for they were no longer needed, while Jarric, Ulric, and the rust colored wolf shifted into their human forms. They were tossed shorts and they slipped them on. I sat forward in my seat, staring at the white wolf, who seemed not quite scared, but weary. He didn't shift but instead just stared up at my dad, who was intern staring at him.

I shifted a bit and hissed in pain as my right leg nocked the chair leg softly. So far, my ear was about half healed and wasn't bleeding anymore, but my leg on the other hand was taking its time to heal. The bite mark I received from Jarric, the bastered, had just now closed up and was now a bright red. The bone, which was fractured to the point that if I put even the slightest pressure on it that it could snap, had barely heal at all. I grumbled and my mate, Carrie, side glanced me, grabbing my hand to hold it.

"Shift!" My father ordered and I looked over to see the white wolf yawn slightly, then shift into a small boy. Everyone seemed to gasp at once and I looked at my dad to see him simply staring. I looked back at the boy in time to see him slide his black shorts on and fix the back so that his fluffy white tail stuck out of the hole cut into the back of his shorts. He wasn't bad looking at all, with bleach blond hair that glowed a slight orange in the sunset, golden brown eyes that looked around in an excited, nerves, and tired way, a thin but tallish body that held a little muscle, and palish skin that glowed slightly in the last rays of the sun. His tail swayed a little from side to side and his wolf ears shifted in his hair constantly, trying to catch all the whispers around him. Because of the way he stood I couldn't see his left side very well, but I cough a glimpse of what looked like a mate mark. So, Ulric already mated with the boy. Dad wasn't going to like this at all.

I shifted my gaze to Ulric. He was tense and he stood closely behind the boy. They were only a few inches apart. That way I could tell Ulric was taller then the boy by almost a good foot, and he defiantly had more muscles then him. Ulric's gray eyes were clouded with weariness as he looked around. I could tell he was nerves, maybe even a little fearful, of what was going on. Then his gaze shifted to me and I snickered at him. His lips twitched into a slight snarl and I could tell he was pissed. I knew I was going to get it. I sat back in my seat and ran a hand threw my hair. I always tried to get Ulric in trouble, one way or another. I alway thought that if he got into just enough trouble, then dad would finally cast him out, or strip the Alpha title away from him and give it to me, which is what I wanted. As I looked over the situation, though, I started to think that this was supposed to be one of the times I should of kept my mouth shut. But did I? Nope, and now I'm going to get my ass kicked.

(Ash's pov)

I gaze steadily up at the man who I figured was the Alpha. He looked a little disheveled, his black hair ruffled and his blue eyes tired and stern looking. He wore a slightly wrinkled white shirt with black work pants and shoes. His jaw worked slightly as he looked me over. I was nevus and a little scared. Like the Alpha, everyone was staring at me, some whispering things my new wolf ears were trying to catch but didn't. It was a comfort to know that Ulric was standing behind me, and Jarric was slightly to my left while Boris was just to my right. I felt protected that way.

"White wolf!" My wolf ears snapped toward the Alpha as he spoke. I held his blue eyed glare and I could feel a sort of power engulf me. Most of the werewolfs around me whined and cowered under the power; I even heard Ulric whine softly behind me. I, on the other hand, felt a sudden need to challenge him. I've never felt this way before and I didn't understand it. I could feel my wolf urging me to challenge him and decided to approach the Alpha. I started to walk forward and I could hear Ulric protest behind me.

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now