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~chapter six~

(Ash's pov)

I looked helplessly at my mate as the large man, who I learned was named Boris, clung to me, sobbing. A few minutes ago, after Boris called me Lovell, he had let me go and I led him and my mate into the forest as to not alarm my parents for me having two strange men in the back yard. We sat on a fallen tree and now Boris still clung to me. My mate, who said his name was Ulric, didn't look very happy about it at all.

Ulric was even more handsome in human form then wolf form with stormy gray eyes and thick jet black hair. He had to be at least six and a half feet tall with not a single fat cell in his body. Like Boris, he was all muscle. Maybe that was a werewolf thing, but if so, where the hell was my hot body with all it's muscles? His skin had a slight tan to it and glowed slightly in the moon light. What captured most of my attention was that he was naked. It was a nice sight and all, but he was huge! Would he even fit in me? And he wasn't even hard yet! Ug!

Now that I thought about it, Boris was naked too. I blushed to the point where I'm sure my face looked like a tomato. "Um, Boris, I think it's about time you should let go of me."

"Yes, Boris, let him go." Ulric growled and Boris slowly let me go, wiping the tears from his eyes. Ulric then softly pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in the crock of my neck. I heard him take a deep inhale of air through his nose, taking in my sent. I nudged my head into his and he sighed in contentment.

"I'm sorry, Lovell." Boris whispered and I looked at him.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked softly. "I already told you my name was Ash."

"It's a long story, one that goes back almost sixteen years." Boris's breath hitched in his throat when he tried to take in a beep breath as he looked at me in the eyes.

"It has to do with why I'm living with humans, doesn't it?" I asked and Ulric stiffened under me. Boris looked down at the ground and sighed.

"Lov- I mean, Ash. I'm your....your....older brother." He looked up at me again and I blinked at him. When I didn't say anything, he continued. "A few days after you were born, vampires attracted our pack, the Full Moon pack. I was only seven when it happened. Our parents were the alphas and they had to help fight and they had to lead the rest of the pack. They handed you off to me and told me to run and that's what I did. I remember it like it happened yesterday. You were crying in my arms, so little and helpless. I ran through fighting, other werewolfs passing me from one another's care until I was out of the forest and away from the fighting. I wondered down the road for a while, not knowing what to do. That's when I heard them fallowing me. Vampires."

He spat the word with hatred and I knew he hated them a lot. I waited patiently for him to continue. While I did, I side glanced at Ulric, who looked intent on the story he was hearing about his mate. I then looked back to Boris as he continued. "I ran as fast as I could, but they were gaining on me quick. That's when I saw the house..."

"And you left me there." I said when he paused and he nodded sadly, tears rimming his eyes.

"I had no choice. I had to save you. You were my little brother and I'd do anything to protect you, even if it meant putting you into the care of humans. I quickly ran up to the fount door and laid you carefully on their doorstep, ringing the bell frantically. As soon as I was sure the humans were coming, I bolted. I had to lead the vampires away from you. I ran north for as long as I could. They never gave up and I had very little amounts of time to rest. It was about two days after when I ran tiredly onto the Red Oak pack's territory and stumbled in on a hunting party. They took me in and killed the vampires that had been chasing me. I grew up distant and always wondering how you were, what was happening to you, how the humans were coping with you, or if they gave you away. Now that I see you, so grown up and healthy, I know I made the right choice way back then."

I nodded, my mind running around with questions. "And Lovell? Was that my name?"

"Yes. I can tell the human gave you a name of their own, but to me, your always going to be my little brother Lovell." Boris looked at me sadly and I bite my lip, not knowing what to say.

(Ulric's pov)

So that's what happened. It angered me to know that while I was a happy three year old boy safe at home, my newly born mate's pack was being destroyed and my mate laid into the hands of humans. I wondered what life would have been like if Boris had carried Ash, or Lovell (that was going to confuse me -.-) with him and I had seen him. I'd have my mate before I could even say a proper sentence.

I sighed and snuggled against Ash as he bit his lip, wondering what to say after Boris had finished his story. After a little while, he whispered, "I never knew."

"I thought about taking you with me." Boris piped up. "But you were just a new born, your eyes just barely open, and if didn't know when I'd lose the vampires or get help, and I didn't want to take that chance."

"I understand." Ash mumbled. "And if you didn't do that, I don't think I would be here today."

I stiffened at that thought. If Ash had died I would have never met him and I would never have had my mate. Now that I found Ash, I couldn't picture myself with out him. I hugged him tighter to me, his back pressing against my chest, burring my face into his soft hair. Ash stroked my arm softly with his fingers and hummed a small tone before saying, "Thank you."

"For what?" Boris asked quietly.

"If you haven't laid me on their doorstep like you did, then I wouldn't have the family I have today, humans or not. And I would be happy to except you as a part of my family, both of you." Ash tangled his fingers into mine, and I gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm sure every one would be glad to have some new additions. Our family isn't very big." He chuckled and I chuckled too until I cough whiff of what he was getting at.

Picking up my head I asked shyly, "you don't mean..."

A grin spread across my mates face as he said, "it's only ten, it's still early and everyone is still up." My face paled a bit and I gulped.

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now