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(Unknown pov)

I smiled down at my beloved laying limp in my arms as I jumped from tree to tree, faster than the stupid mutts could ever keep up. He looked peaceful. I held him close to me, pleased that he was finally with me, and not with that mutt.

(Jarric’s pov)

I helped Zane and Samuel carry Ulric to DR’s place. He had passed out from the pain of his broken leg. I’m sure he couldn’t feel it due to his outrage, but it was still there, and his body couldn’t handle it. I sighed as we laid him down in a bed and walked back outside. This was all wrong. How could the vampires ever get so far into our territory without anyone noticing; let alone right in front of us and gone before we could react?

“Beta!” Someone yelled and I looked up to see one of the men that I sent out to chase after the vampires.

“What is it?” I asked alarmed.

“We lost them.” He told me, looking ashamed.

“What?! How?!”

“T-they were too fast and they somehow erased their sent. We can’t track them.” I stared at the man, unable to believe what I was hearing.

“No.” Was all I could whisper out before falling to my knees. 

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now