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-Chapter Eighteen-

(Ash’s pov)

I sighed as I shifted underneath the covers. Ulric and I had decided to stay up in my room and nap for a while. Right now, he was snoring away next to me, hogging most of the bed. I was pinned against the wall and it wasn’t very comfortable. I grumbled a bit and tried to push Ulric over, but he only grumbled and pulled the blanket over his head. I huffed and wormed my way down the bed and off. I slid off the bed and onto the floor with a slight thump, hurting my butt in the process.

“Well now.” I stood and glared Ulric’s sleeping form down. “I can tell you’re a bed hog.” After getting no response, I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and boxers to slide on. I still had on the red lace outfit and needed to change. I didn’t want anybody but Ulric seeing me in this. After I changed, I walked across the hall to the bathroom. After closing and locking the door, I stood in front of the full body mirror and looked over myself.

I looked like a neko with my ears and swaying tail. My skin has gotten a little tanner over the days in the sun, and I saw that I had grown a little bit. Maybe I was hitting my last growth spurt. I placed my hands on my flat belly and smiled a little bit. I was pregnant. I knew that bringing a kid into the world was a big responsibility and I really didn’t want to have one so young; but if the goddess wanted me to have this child, then I would.

I wondered if it was going to be a boy or girl. I kind of wanted it to be a girl, but a boy was fine too. I wondered what we would name it. Arthur is a good name for a boy. I also liked the name Rem. I’ve always wanted a daughter named Clover. I don’t know why, I just thought it was a really pretty name. I smiled at myself in the mirror and rubbed my tummy. It was all kind of like a dream. I never thought that I would ever actually be having a child. I always pictured myself finding the right girl who would happily be my mate, then once we we’re ready, she would be having the child and we would raise it and be one big happy family. But it was the other way around! Don’t get me wrong, I love Ulric to the core, and I wouldn’t change what was happening even if I could.

Then something struck me. My face paled and I swallowed hard. How would I be having this child? I wasn’t a girl, so I didn’t have the…you know…right parts to give birth, so how would that work? How was I pregnant in the first place? I didn’t have a womb to carry it in, I’m a boy! Or…do I? Was my baby going to have to be cut out of me in the right time, or would I have to give birth to it? And if I had to give birth, how would the baby come out? Through my…butt? And how would I feed it? Would I grow boobs?!

I started to panic with all these questions running through my mind. When I first found out, I was shocked, and now that I think about it more clearly, I’m scared. I rushed back to my room and shook Ulric. “Ulric, wake up please.” He grumbled a bit and rolled over to look at me through narrowed eyes. He then saw my expression and sat up, looking worried.

“Hey, what’s wrong Ash?” he pulled me into his lap and cradled me. I stuffed my face into his chest as I gripped his shirt.

“I’m scared, Ulric.” I whispered, on the brink of tears.

“Scared about what, love? Did you have another dream about that vampire?” He growled slightly on the last part, and now that I thought about it, I hadn’t told him of my latest dream; but that could wait for now.

“What are we going to do about our baby? How am I going to have it? How am I even pregnant in the first place? Am I going to grow boobs?”

Ulric made a slight choking sound as if holding in a laugh and that made me a little angry. He took a deep breath and said, “It’s a little hard to explain, but I can tell you that you won’t grow boobs.” He chuckled a bit and I pinched his arm. He yelped and gave me a sorry smile.

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now