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~chapter seven~

(Ash pov)

I smiled happily as I wondered to my house. After some light argument, I had convinced Boris and Ulric to meet my parents. After all, I had a new older brother and a mate! A mate! I never thought I would see another werewolf much less find my mate! I didn't even care if he was a guy or not.

I slipped into my house and bounced up the stairs like a love sick fool to Royce's room. "Guess what!" I shouted as I barged in. Royce set down the book he had been read and looked up at me. I was so excited, and happy that I didn't even care he was reading a book, something rare for Royce.

"What's up?" Royce raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled slightly.

"I need to borrow some of your cloths." I said and he looked at me like I just if I could see his playboy magazine, which I knew he had.

"My cloths? What it gods name for, Ash?"

"I want you and our parents to meet someone but that can't come in because there naked." I said with a load laugh.

Royce blinked at me like I was crazy, then shook his head with a sigh. "Alright what ever you say, but I'm coming with you! There naked? God, who the hell are they?"

"Werewolfs!" I yip happily and Royce laughs at me then smiles. He grabs two pairs of sweats and t-shirts. Then looked at me. "Come on!" I bound out of his room, down stairs and through the house to the back door with him fallowing me at a fast walk. I lead Royce across the back yard and into the woods. A few meters in I yipped, "Ulric, Boris! I have cloths!"

Ulric steeped out from behind a tree smiling happily down at me while Boris stands from his crouched position behind a bush. His eyes flickered to Royce and he suddenly growled low in his throat and stepped over to me protectively. Royce looks at him and...growled back?

"Did you just growl at him?!" I ask in shock and pointed at Royce in bewilderment.

Royce shrugged and smiled shyly. "I have a werewolf as a brother, why not?"

I burst into laughter and had to support myself on a tree to stay standing. Royce chuckled with me, while Ulric smiled and Boris stood there not sure what to do. I sobered up some and handed them their borrowed cloths. Both Ulric and Boris slipped them on and I was a little surprised they fit. Royce was really the size of a werewolf! I smiled at him and said, "I'm sorry I've just never heard you growl before."

Royce nodded and turned serious looking at Ulric. "He sounded like he was threatening me."

Ulric snarled. "That's because I was."

I sobbed up quickly after that and frowned. "Hey guys, that's not funny. We're all family now and I don't want to fight."

Royce turned to me asking, "what do you mean?"

I gave a hesitant smile. "Well, this is Ulric, and this is Boris. Boris is my older, werewolf brother, and Ulric is my...mate."

Royce was quite for a minute, then nodded. He glanced at Ulric, then back at me. "Do mom and dad know?"

I shook my head. "They know I found my mate, but not that he's a he. That's why I had you bring them cloths."

Royce blinked at me then sighed, "ooohhhhhh..."

I blinked. "What's wrong?"

He shrugged. "Nothing, I'm just a little wary about this. Ash, your only fifteen, what are they going to think about you having a male mate? Not only that, but he doesn't look anywhere near fifteen!"

Mates (bxb) Book one of the Mates seriesWhere stories live. Discover now