Back at it again

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*Back at it again with the white vans!!!

Now back to the story:)


"Morning!" A voice cheered.

"5 more minutes mom!" I groaned as I pulled a pillow over my face.

There was silence for 6 seconds before my mom pulled my covers off and said," No!"

"But mom!" I yelled as I flailed my arms trying to get my blankets back.

"But nothing. It's your first day of school for a while. And don't worry, James will be with you at all times. You're safe."

If only she knew.


I hopped in front of the mirror and nearly fainted. My hair looks like a rats nest!

"Sis!" I yelled.


"Can you fix my hair in those Dutch braids you're so good at?"

"Yep!" She said as she skipped back into our room. She froze when she looked at me but then smiled. "You need help."

"Thanks!" I said giggling. I pointed to my hair still laughing and said," Now fix this mess!"


As soon as she was done I put on winged liner, a skin toned matte lip balm, ripped skinny jeans, tall black Uggs, and a fleece christmas sweater.


"Back t it again with the Dutch braids!" I heard a voice yell.

I turned around grinning.

"Hey Simone!" We linked arms and giggled. "So, what's your schedule?"

"Same as yours." She stated.

We gave other death glares and in sync said, "Math, ELA, science, lunch, band, history, and choir."

I stood up straight again and said,"You're good."

She stood up too and said," Not as good as you... Welcome back Sasha!"

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