Chapter 7

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Christmas on Mandalore with Satine would've been paradise for Obi-Wan, until he got snowed in on Coruscant.

When Obi-Wan woke up a few days before Christmas, he was certain that it was the happiest he'd been in a while. He was going to Mandalore, he'd be with Satine. It would be perfect. With her on his mind, he finished packing and began to head towards the door of his apartment. Before he could reach it there was a knock. As he slid the door open, he unsurprisingly found himself facing a very excited Anakin and Ahsoka.

"Master Kenobi, have you looked outside yet!" Ahsoka squealed, and Obi-Wan suddenly had a bad feeling about the rest of the day.

"Not yet.." Obi-Wan responded, raising a curious eyebrow. Ahsoka practically dragged him to the nearest window and rolled up the blinds.


And when Obi-Wan looked outside he found the whole city of Coruscant covered in a thick layer of snow, a rare occurrence, and one that Obi-Wan would usually enjoy. Now it only left an inkling of fear. It had snowed an awful lot, and knowing the travel policies of Coruscant, it was very possible that he would be snowed in. Ahsoka seemed to noticed his frown.

"You're not excited?" She looked disappointed, and it didn't help Obi-Wan's mood.

"Not particularly. Are they letting any transports off planet?" Anakin offered an apologetic smile and ran a hand through his hair.

"They're not letting anyone out at all, it's not like we could leave anyways. You had plans?"

"Ah, no.." Obi-Wan lied, trying to ignore his luggage that was still sitting by the door, and pushing past the nagging feeling of disappointment. "I was just curious. What do you mean we can't leave."

"The snow piled up and blocked the front doors, a few Jedi are trying to dig us out," Anakin's face fell, his expression matching Obi-Wan's. "Ahsoka and I were gonna build a snowman or something, but we can't leave now."

"And it was gonna be an awesome snowman too, and then we were gonna have a snowball fight, I would've crushed you Skyguy. And maybe make snow angels too! It's been so snow long since I've seen snow," Ahsoka piped in, her tne excited, but her expression otherwise.

"Weren't you on Ilum recently, that place is covered in snow." Anakin retorted with a tone that Obi-Wan had seen siblings use with each other.

"Ya, but missions don't count." Ahsoka used the same tone.

"Whatever, we had a whole day planned and it's ruined!" Anakin groaned, and Obi-Wan knew exactly how he felt. All his plans with Satine ruined because of a snowfall he would've usually enjoyed.

"We could watch a holofilm, it's near Christmas anyways. That would be nice," Obi-Wan suggested.

"But it's not as exciting as crushing Snips in a snowball fight."

"Then I'll leave you two to spar while I make the most of this day." Which would've been better with Satine, he added to himself.

"No, no. Master Kenobi makes a point. Come on Skyguy, let's go find a Christmas holofilm to watch!" Ahsoka began walking to the door, a genuine smile on her face. "We can make coco too!"

"I'll meet you at my apartment, Snips," Anakin called out to his padawan who was already disappearing from sight. He then turned to Obi-Wan. "You wanna join us?"

"I'll be there soon," the Jedi master offered a smile that was far from heartfelt. As he heard the door close behind Anakin, Obi-Wan pulled out his comm. He had a call to make.

As soon as he contacted her, Satine answered, the small, blue hologram flickering to life.

"Hello, darling," Obi-Wan greeted.

"Hello, Obi," Satine responded with a smile. "How are you?"

"To be honest, not the best," he didn't bother to hide his disappointment

"You're snowed in, aren't you," her smile faded, replaced with disappointment that mimicked Obi-Wan's own. As soon as she seemed to realize she had let it show, it too faded. Sometimes Obi-Wan was certain that Satine was better at hiding her emotions than himself. "It's all over the holonet, the heaviest snow on Coruscant in 30 years, no transports leaving the planet for at least three days."

"Satine, I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing you can do. Obi, it's fine." Despite how casually she said it, not a single waver in her voice, Obi-Wan knew it wasn't.

"I'll come to Mandalore as soon as I can, I promise." Satine smiled at that."

"I hope to see you soon, then. I have a meeting soon, contact me when you can."

"Merry Christmas, my dear." He wished he could pull her into his arms, bid her goodbye properly, but for now this would do.

"Merry Christmas to you too." The hologram of Satine disappeared, leaving Obi-Wan to himself once again. He'd unpack later, but for now he placed the luggage in his room and headed out to meet Anakin and Ahsoka. He'd make the most of the day, and try to think of a way to make this up to Satine of course.

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