Chapter 25

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It's been approximately a year since Palpatine was stopped and Luke and Leia were born to loving parents. Now, it's their first Christmas, and after everything that has happened, Padme plans to reflect and cherish everything she's been through to get this far.

It may be Christmas for some people right now, but for me its not, I just don't plan on posting anything tomorrow. Either way, MERRY CHRISTMAS, enjoy this happy au where everyone is alive and happy(because I couldn't just end on a sad note)!

Palpatine, or better known now as Darth Sidious, may have been defeated nearly a year ago, but it was still a time of rejoice, and the holiday season had brought that out more than ever. Padme may have cancelled her usual holiday party, but the decorations remained. This year she intended on spending all the free time she got with her family, the one she had found on her own. Sure it was a strange one, the former Duchess of Mandalore, a Jedi padawan, two Jedi masters, one of which being her husband, and her and Anakin's twins. Still she couldn't ask for anything more.

Everything had happened so fast to lead up to this. She recalled just a little less than two years ago when it all started. She remembered the amount of worry in Obi-Wan's voice as he contacted her and Anakin from hyperspace, informing them that that Mandalore had fallen into the hands of Darth Maul, that he had almost lost Satine. She remembered the way he had delicately held her hand as they waited for the senate and Jedi council to make their decision on Mandalore's future, eventually deciding in favor of a Republic occupation. And most of all, she remembered later that night, Anakin revealing everything to both Obi-Wan and Satine. His marriage to Padme, his slaughter of the sand people. Obi-Wan didn't judge, he cared about Anakin deeply, Padme hadn't realized how much until that night, and he promised he would do everything he could to help him, and to change the councils ways, though perhaps the later was also due to his love for Satine.

It had only been months before the next major event had happened. Padme was thankful that Anakin had been off planet when the Jedi temple had been bombed, she recalled the way Satine had paced back and forth, tears in her eyes as she waited for a reply from Obi-Wan. Of course, in the end, he had been fine, simply shoken up. It was what happened later that had truly concerned her, what happened when Ahsoka was accused for the attack.

She hadn't witnessed what happened in the council room, but Anakin had told her. He had said that the council had threatened to kick Ahsoka out, and that Obi-Wan had stood up and declared otherwise, that Ahsoka had always been one of them and would never betray them. The Jedi master truly had changed since he had learned the truth. Anakin had joined in too, and together they convinced the Jedi to help find the truth behind the bombing. Ahsoka had been in tears when she met with Padme later that day, and most certainly not out of unhappiness. It was later found out that Barriss Offee was responsible for the deaths of the Jedi.

After that it seemed that everything was just getting worse. The war never seized, Anakin was gone more, even thought to be dead at one point. It was during one of Anakin's disappearances that Padme had learned the information that she knew would change her and Anakin's life forever. She had learned that she was pregnant. When Anakin returned, he had been overjoyed to hear, and shortly after Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Satine were informed too. The three of them had helped Anakin when he had a dream of Padme dying childbirth. He never dreamed it again after. Padme was certain that for once in her life, things may work out. That everything would be alright in the end. Force, she was wrong.

She wished she could say that the anticipation she felt when Anakin left to meet with Chancellor Palpatine was a distant memory, but she felt it again every time she thought back to that horrid day. She remembered every little detail. The horror in Anakin's voice when he informed her that he thought the Chancellor was a sith lord, the way he kissed her with such love and longing when he left for the Jedi temple.

The wait was the worst part though. She didn't know what was going to happen, she had no clue that the Jedi would strike so fast. It hadn't been until Satine rushed up to her, the largest smile she'd seen from her in awhile drawn across her face, that she had heard the news.

Chancellor Palpatine, Darth Sidious was dead. And Anakin Skywalker was hailed as a hero of the Republic and soon he had been-

"Mamma," a small hand reached out and fisted the fabric of Padme's dress to catch her attention. A small tuft of dirty blond hair was barely visible, hidden behind the height of the couch. Padme reached down to pick up Luke, holding him tightly against her.

Across the room, Ahsoka sat on the floor, the control for a remote controlled car in her hands as Leia watched the vehicle, eyes wide. Satine and Obi-Wan sat in the armchair, hands intertwined, resting against each other as the warm, orange glow from the fireplace left lights dancing across the room.

And best of all, sitting next to her, a hand around her waist, was Anakin. "Angel," he whispered to her, quiet enough so it wouldn't disturb the others. "You look concerned."

"I was just thinking," Padme reassured, a small smile crossing over her face.

"Thinking about what?" Anakin asked.

"Everything that's happened, how lucky we are to have each other," she let the sigh she had been holding in out. Sure, they'd all been through so much to get here, but it she wouldn't give it up for the world. What they had here was the closest thing she could get to perfect.

The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by an alarm from the oven. "The cookies are done, I'll get them," Obi-Wan moved to stand up, prompting a whine of protest from Satine. He leaned down and silenced her with a quick kiss before disappearing into the kitchen, only to return a minute later holding a warm tray of cookies.

Ahsoka eagerly set down the controller and grabbed one. Anakin followed soon after, grabbing a few, handing one to Padme, shoving one in his mouth, and breaking up the other into smaller pieces for Luke and Leia. Obi-Wan then set the tray down on the small coffee table, switching on the tree lights first, and took a his seat next to Satine again, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

Padme liked the way the Christmas trees lights lit up the room, she liked the way that when she looked back at it, she was overcome with memories from all the ornaments that she had collected over the years. Even with the Jedi's so few personal possessions, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka had added a few to her collection, and there were even some from what Satine had been able to salvage from Mandalore. Padme thought it was amusing how small, seemingly meaningless, glass balls could tell the story of her life. Yet again, she assumed that the average person would it amusing how much she treasured the small moments like this, where everyone was together, enjoying the silence, the peace that they had never been given long enough to get used to. It was moments like these where Padme was certain that she had everything that she could ever ask for.

I hope you liked the last chapter, I know I did. I've enjoyed writing this and reading all the wonderful reviews I got. Now I can go back to the actual full length lawless au I'm working on XD

Once again, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! I started writing thinking I would get nowhere and here I am posting the last chapter, thank you so much.

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