Chapter 11

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Modern AU: Christmas tree shopping was supposed to be easy, but since when has anything been easy with Anakin and Ahsoka. (Both Obi-Wan and Satine and Anakin and Padme are married in this btw)

When Obi-Wan woke up it was snowing. He expected Satine to be next to him, the covers tightly wrapped around them both, but she seemed to be missing. Standing up and quickly dressing in a warm sweater, heavy winter coat, and scarf, he set out to find his missing lover. He had his suspicions as to where she was, and upon entering the office that was only a few doors down from their shared bedroom, he was proven correct.

Satine was asleep sprawled across her paperwork. A cold cup of coffee was set nearby and a pen was still in her hand, leaving a scribble across the paper she had been working on. Obi-Wan chuckled slightly before kissing the top of her head. Satine must not have been asleep very deep, because her blue eyes fluttered open instantly and her lips turned up in a smile when she noticed who was hovering over her.

"Good morning, darling," Obi-Wan greeted her with another kiss.

"Morning, Ben," she mumbled in reply, her voice laced with tiredness. Obi-Wan had no clue how late she had stayed up, especially considering her habit of overworking herself, which was something that he had constantly pestered her about. He must've let his concern show, because Satine stood up and ran a hand across his cheek. "Is everything alright?"

"You overwork yourself," Obi-Wan simply replied, not bothering to hide the truth from her. "It worries me."

"I'm fine. I just had to get some paperwork done by midnight." She smiled, recalling how they had spent the last night curled up in each other's arms on the couch watching cheesy, romantic, Christmas movies. "And you're a very good distraction."

"And as much as I would to distract you now, Anakin expects us to meet him at the Christmas tree lot in," Obi-Wan quickly checked his wristwatch, "twenty minutes."

"What! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Satine quickly kissed her husband before rushing off to get reading, leaving a flustered and confused Obi-Wan yelling out, "In my defense, I just woke up to," at her disappearing form.


"Where are they?" Ahsoka impatiently stood at the front of the lot, Anakin and Padme huddling up for warmth behind her. "Obi-Wan and Satine are never late."

"Well then make this a first," Anakin groaned, his arms tightening around Padme as a cold breeze passed by.

"Maybe we told them the wrong time..." Padme commented. It was very unlike the two to be so late, they must've at least had a good reason, and possibly something on her and Anakin's behalf.

"Don't find a way to blame this on us," Anakin seemed to read her mind. "Surprisingly, even they make mistakes."

Ahsoka tried to suppress a laugh. "Ya right."

It was then when Anakin, Ahsoka, and Padme heard two pairs of footsteps quickly approaching them. Turning around they came face to face with their late friends. Obi-Wan and Satine stood next to each other, their hands intertwined, both dressed in heavy winter clothing.

"Your late," Anakin glared.

"We overslept," was Obi-Wan's simple reply as he gave a nod and smile in greeting.

"Mhm, why don't we go ahead and enter already. It was boring waiting for you two."

Obi-Wan mumbled before following his three friends into the tree lot with Satine next to him. Instantly, Ahsoka ran off to get a closer look at all the trees. Anakin followed, despite Padme's protests. Obi-Wan, Satine, and Padme decided that it would be better for them to wait where they were. The lot was large, and with Anakin and Ahsoka skipping off in every direction, everyone could get lost easily.

It was only minutes before they both returned with huge grins. "There's a nice tree in the back, it's about 10 feet tall. It looks fresh too," Anakin said as he mentioned for the others to follow.

"Wait!" Ahsoka yelled out. "I saw that tree, it's terrible. Follow me, there's a better tree that way," she pointed the opposite direction that Anakin was walking towards. "It's taller, fresher, more lush. Follow me."

Anakin gave her a challenging glace before marching of to his tree. "It's on Snips."

"It most certainly is. To your tree first?" Anakin smirked triumphantly and everyone followed him to the back of the lot. When they arrived, Ahsoka seemed to be missing. Anakin eyes darted back and forth, concern washing over him. It was only a second later when his prized tree tumbled over and crashed on top of him.

"Anakin!" Padme leapt forward to help pry the tree off of Anakin as Ahsoka triumphantly stood above the toppled tree. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan watched the whole scene play out in front of him with a look of confusion(but not shock, things like this happened all the time with Anakin and Ahsoka) until he felt a slight tug on his scarf. Turning his head, he saw the source of the tugging was Satine, her face pressed against his chest.

"Cold..." she mumbled, and Obi-Wan could feel her shivering against him. He pulled off the scarf and wrapped it around her with a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Better?" She nodded in response, making Obi-Wan smiled and pull her closer. They both considered helping Padme, but by the time they stepped forward to, Anakin had rolled out from underneath the tree, his shirt coated in pine needles and sap. Once he stood up, he instantly moved to attack his smug looking friend, and the two took off chasing each other across the lot. "Why is it that I'm not surprised by this," Obi-Wan whispered to Satine, and she laughed ever so slightly against him.

"Perhaps because it's happened before." 

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