Chapter 16

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Anakin loves his chocolate, so when he finds the box that he bought missing one morning, he vows he will find the stealer and make them pay.

Obi-Wan had always told Anakin that chocolate, or candy of any kind, did not count as a proper breakfast, but since when was Anakin one of follow rules. He's bought a box of 30 of the nicest chocolates on Coruscant the day before, and as soon as he woke up he planned to enjoy them. Opening his closet, he moved aside his clothes and opening the shelf that he kept his secret stash in. To his own surprise, it was gone. Nobody knew about the stash, not even Padme, and he was completely clueless to who had taken the chocolate, though he did suspect a certain togruta padawan.

"Hey Snips," Anakin called while walking down the hallway slowly and observatory. He'd notice if anything was out of place, it could possibly be evidence.

"Whatcha want, master," Ahsoka called back from the kitchen where she was munching on a waffle, that was oddly dyed red and green. When Ahsoka saw Anakin's confused look, she explained. "It's festive!" Anakin remained confused. "Red and green, Christmas colors?!"

"Ah, yes..." Anakin nodded his head and grabbed the waffle that Ahsoka handed to him and took a bite. It was good, not like his chocolate, but definitely good. "Thanks."

"No problem,' Ahsoka mumbled as she grabbed yet another waffle to eat. Anakin began to doubt that she actually had anything to do with the missing chocolates. Usually when Ahsoka pulled some sort of prank on Anakin, she would be acting suspicious and not herself all morning. Although Christmas waffles were not normal, per se, he wasn't surprised considering this was Ahsoka. Still, he had chocolates to find and he wasn't going to get offtrack by Ahsoka and waffles.

"Have you seen my chocolates by any chance?" Anakin questioned.

"Nope," Ahsoka replied with a full mouth. "I didn't even know you had chocolates." Although Ahsoka had lied to defend herself before, Anakin could feel she was telling the truth. Anakin groaned. It would've been so much easier if Ahsoka had stolen the chocolates, he always found a way to find out when his padawan did something out of the ordinary. But with someone else as the stealer, he had no clue where to start.

"Thanks for the help, Snips," Anakin made his way towards the door and slid it open. Ahsoka simply waved goodbye and wished him good luck.

Standing out in the hallway, watching Jedi pass by, Anakin had a decision to make. He could either continue searching, hoping he might possibly run into someone who had his chocolate, go to someone who might have heard someone sneaking into his quarters at night, or he could buy another box of chocolate. Considering how low he was on credits, and how expensive the chocolates where, Anakin really didn't want to have to go with the third option. He also didn't want to cluelessly wander Coruscant all day, so he decided to go with the second option, and he knew just the person who might know what had happened.

Obi-Wan's quarters where on the other side of the Jedi temple, closer to the council chambers. They were larger, more up to date, and most certainly neater, but the later was only due to the two Jedi's differences in personal taste. It didn't take long to walk to the quarters, and he assumed Obi-Wan would be there. The older Jedi tended to spend his free time meditating.

Of course, when the temple was crowded as ever, as it usually was around the holidays, there where quite a few distractions. Or maybe not distractions, but other Jedi, ones who didn't necessarily enjoy Anakin and his unorthodox views. Technically, it was Anakin's fault for getting into the conversation in the first place, he did practically run into Mace Windu.

"General Skywalker," the council member enthusiastically greeted him. "I suggest you watch where you're going."

"Sorry Master Windu," Anakin tried to manage a smile. "I was, uh... just on my way to meet with Master Kenobi."

"Ah, I assume you'll be finishing the report from your last mission, the one you're a week late on."

"That's exactly what we were going to do. Better head over so we can finish," Anakin began rushing off again, his time more wary of Jedi passing by. "See ya later."

Mace groaned at the younger man's enthusiasm before continuing on his way.

Anakin finally reached Obi-Wan's quarters without another interruption. He didn't bother to knock, he never did, and when he entered, he really didn't want to believe what he saw.

Obi-Wan was sitting on his couch, Anakin chocolates resting on the table in front, two cups of hot cocoa next to it, and Satine was curled up next to him, on hand resting on his chest, the other holding a half eaten chocolate. Anakin wasn't sure whether to scream at them or make some sarcastic joke about Obi-Wan's love life, and in the end he settled for both.

"You stole my chocolate, do you know how much those cost!" Obi-Wan looked up in shock, not noticing that his former padawan had entered, blush creeping over his face as he quickly moved his arm away from Satine's waist.

"Anakin..." he groaned.

"You stole my chocolate...and gave it to your girlfriend..." Anakin's brows furrowed in frustration. "I don't know whether I should be mad or not."

"She's not my-"

"Mhm, keep the chocolate, except for one," he plucked one of the treats out of the box and ate it. "Just pay me back later."

And with that Anakin turned and left Obi-Wan and Satine behind him in confusion with a smirk.

25 Days of Christmas in a Galaxy Far Far AwayWhere stories live. Discover now