Chapter 5

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Getting caught in an explosion and breaking a few ribs was not how Obi-Wan wanted to spend his Christmas

2 chapters in a day, what a area occasion! I hope to have another two(hopefully three) up tomorrow too, I really need to catch up. But for now, I present Day 5(posted on day 7)!

The last thing that Obi-Wan remembered was a bright light and a strange ringing sound. He was all too familiar with it, so when is woke up looking at the white, blank walls of the Jedi temple medbay, he wasn't surprised. Turning his head, he caught sight of a medic recording information of some sort. She looked up for a split second, smiled, and then continued writing. Having nothing better to do, and laying with his head to the side was the only comfortable position for the throbbing in his neck, Obi-Wan watched her. As she recorded the information, he picked up a few words. 3 broken ribs, severe burns, 3 weeks healing. He attempted to groan, but it only hurt him more. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck here for Christmas! When she finished writing, she moved to grab a needle and fill it with a blue serum. Without warning, she pressed it to his neck, and almost instantly Obi-Wan was unconscious again.

When the Jedi master woke the next time, the throbbing pain was gone and he was no longer in the same room. He was much more familiar with the room he was in now. A bacta tank sat in the back corner, screens lined the wall, and besides that, the room was bare. No, Obi-Wan turned his head towards the bedside stand. It most certainly isn't. Sitting to his side was a small box and bouquet of flowers.

Reaching to the side was quite painful, but he managed anyways and snatched the box. It was small enough to fit in his hand, and the way the silver ribbon reflected the med bays light made it sparkle. Smiling, he tugged apart the ribbon and slid the top of the box off. The first thing he saw was a card, which he lifted out and began to read.


Ahsoka and I were sorry to hear about the accident. We hope you get better fast. After the explosion we found your lightsaber and saw that it got pretty beat up. It's hard to find spare parts, but we managed. I hope they're close enough to work. Merry Christmas!

Anakin and Ahsoka.

p.s. We have your lightsaber

p.p.s Oh, and we crushed those Seppies. You were missed at the end of the battle

Glancing inside the box, Obi-Wan found that they were indeed replacement parts, and a perfect match too. He didn't want to think about how hard the were to come by, and he most certainly did not want to think about how they were most likely from the black market. Somehow he wasn't surprised by that, they were Anakin and Ahsoka after all.

Setting the box back down on the bedside table, the Jedi reminded himself to properly thank his younger friends the next time he saw them. Until then, he decided to check who left the flowers. They were red and green, classic Christmas colors, and were decorated with shimmering strands of tinsel. A cut was stuck within the flowers, and Obi-Wan plucked it out. Just like the flowers, the envelope was intricately decorated. Definitely not Anakin and Ahsoka then, though he doubted those two would even consider flowers, or write a second card, in the first place. He had an idea as to who this was from.

Opening the flap of the envelope and pulling out the card, his suspicions were proved correct. It was from Padme. She and Obi-Wan had been friends since the invasion of Naboo, and she definitely seemed to care a lot about Anakin. They had that, and much more, in common. What did surprise him was the name written next to Padme's: Satine. It's not that he thought she wouldn't bother, from personal; experience Obi-Wan knew Satine would do almost anything for him, but he hadn't even thought that she would know he was hurt. Yet again, Obi-Wan was a well known general throughout the galaxy, the Negotiator, his injury was probably broadcasted throughout the galaxy.

Satisfied that Satine had but effort into a gift for him as well, Obi-Wan began to read.

Dear Obi-Wan,

I've heard that you were injured. It's truly an unfortunate time. I hope you enjoy your Christmas, even within the confinements of the med bay. Satine and I wish you the best. Please do heal fast. Oh, and the flowers were her idea. She seemed quite worried about you when we talked via comm, don't tell her that I wrote that though.


Padme and Satine

Obi-Wan found himself grinning from ear to ear at Padme's kind words. And Satine, it seemed that for every time he worried over her, she worried twice as much back. He would have to contact Satine when he could, tell her that he was alright. And thank her, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Padme too. He hoped that Anakin and Ahsoka would stop by soon too, and knowing them they would, but for now he was content. Perhaps being stuck in the med bay for the holidays wasn't the worst thing.

Thanks for reading!

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