Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Fear. I place my hand on the ground and prepare for the worst, and it greets me almost immediately as well. A billion voices go through my head, all shouting death threats, depressing words, or negative thoughts.

"That should be me!" says one of the voices. "Not a girl who can't even remember!"

"You should've never been reborn in the first place!" another one of the voices tells me. "You've done nothing to help!"

"As soon as I get out of here," another voice begins to say, "I'm going to kill you!"

I scream loudly and take my hand off the ground, then I fall to the floor and begin to hug my own knees. "Go away," I quietly whisper to myself over and over, sweating now from the headache given to me by the voices. "Go away, go away, go away."

I feel weak doing this, since it's something I've never done before, but every time I complain to Skylar, she reassures me that everybody else who had to learn this experienced the same amount of pain, if not more, and that I'm actually doing better than most people.

I stay on the ground for another five minutes, which is a great improvement from my first attempt of the training, where I was on the ground for almost an hour, maybe even more. Finally Skylar walks towards me and helps me up from the ground.

"Are you okay?" she asks me when I'm finally up.

"Yeah, let's do it again," I reply to her.

"No, let me explain to you the process again first."

"Do we have to do this every time?"

"Every three times actually!" she tells me, smiling now. "Come on, sit down."

We both walk to a pair of boulders and I sit on the smaller one while she sits on the bigger one, although it feels a bit strange to me since it should be the other way around, me sitting on the bigger rock and her on the smaller one.

"Okay," she begins, again. "In order to summon you have to face three challenges. The first and easiest one is learning how to send a message to--" she pauses here and thinks about what to say, like she did every other time she explained this to me. "A message to the underworld!"

"And I already learned that," I tell her, cutting her from her explanation. "Why do you have to repeat what I already learned?" She sighs and shakes her head at me as soon as I ask her this.

"Can you just sit still through one of my explanations?"

"I did!" I actually did too. "For the first!"

"Anyways!" she continues, ignoring my last comment. "Next, you have learn to ignore the messages that the dead try to send to you!"

"That was a really bad explanation," I tell her, once again interrupting.

"Just don't listen to what they try to tell you! Fight back against the voices!"

"Okay!" I yell at her, aggravated by the training. I realize how loud I was so I calm down a bit. "I'll do it." Skylar rolls her eyes at me and mutters something to herself as I go back to the open field and slowly place my hands on the floor.

The voices quickly go back into my head like last time, and this time I try really hard to resist, but it feels like the more I ignore them, the louder they become. Now that the voices were screaming in my head, I once again stop and fall to the floor, this time with a headache worse than any other one I had.

I'm sweating like a pig, my hair is a mess, the little makeup I had on is gone due to the constant crying, and the dried up tears are still on my face. All my clothes is dirty as well, but luckily for me, I'm not wearing my favorite outfit today. Actually, I'm wearing the same clothes I wore a week ago, when I was forced to sleep over Jake's house.

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