Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Perfection. I perfected my abilities, and I've gone as far as to surpass Skylar, even though she's been doing this for eleven years, and I only for a month. Not to mention that she actually remembers her training from her last life, unlike me.

Either way though, I still struggle to defeat her in sparring, which we've been doing since a week after I learned to summon, due to the fact that she could predict my movements by reading my mind. But I also have an advantage, since it's hard for her to even hurt me because of the purple shield that appears when I'm hit.

I look around our newest fighting grounds, which she brought me to today and is on an island in the middle of the ocean. The sky is a dark shade of red, and the island seems to only be a giant, nearly black rock, with no plants. Simply a bunch of mountains and alleys on a rocky terrain, as well as a few dead trees. The sun isn't out, and it'd normally be freezing cold, since we're in the beginning of December now and there's a heavy wind blowing, but Skylar taught me to naturally warm myself up, since The Fallen seem to have that ability, there's also a full moon outside today.

"Begin!" Skylar, who's around a hundred feet away from me right now, yells out as we begin our next sparring session.

We both simultaneously throw our hands to the ground. "I summon you!" I yell out, a split second before Skylar. I then teleport right next to her, but she predicts this, like always, and quickly turns around to block my attack. We then proceed to a fist fight, while either dodging or blocking nearly all of the attacks.

A battle between two medics is impossible for any human to witness, since we tend not to stay in one spot, instead we teleport all over the place. She aims a punch towards my chest and I jump back, going back much further than normally, and she immediately teleports to where I am, and we continue battling.

As this is all happening, the summons protect their masters from possible threats, and in the process attack any enemies. So in this case, they attack each other, since my summons want to attack Skylar, who is being defended by her summons, while her summons try to attack me, while my summons protect me. In the end, whoever's side of summons wins, gets support; and since a summons strength is determined by their master's strength, and I'm stronger than Skylar, my summons tend to win.

I attack Skylar, who now teleports behind me and attempts to elbow my back, but just as quickly as she did, I turn around and catch her elbow with my hand. She now frees herself and tries to roundhouse kick me in the face while in mid-air, but instead I duck to avoid her kick and punch her right in the stomach, making her fly backwards in the air.

She lands on her hands, and once again summons a mob, but before I could do the same, she teleports to me and sidekicks me in the chest. My protective shield appears as she makes contact with me, weakening the blow and making it deal only a quarter of the damage I assume it normally would. Still, the kick makes me fall to the ground, just as the last of my summons are defeated.

"Give up yet?" Skylar asks me as she and her summons fully surround me. "Or do you want to take the risk and continue to fight back?"

"I give up," I tell her as she holds out her hand to pick me up.

"You're dismissed," Skylar tells her summons, who now go back into the earth, waiting to be summoned again.

I look around once more and notice a change in the air. "Why is the sky gold now?" I ask Skylar, who's now looking at the sky.

"Into the cave," she responds to me. "Now!"

She teleports ahead of me, leaving me confused, so I quickly take a step forward, and soon find myself inside of a cave where we keep our food and supplies. But the cave is completely different from the last time I was here.

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