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The trip to the hospital was taking too long. I wish I could fly and get there. I was so restless I was biting my nails. Richard reached out and held my hand. "Relax baby, we'll be there soon. Just hang on" I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face. He used his hand to wipe my eyes. "No matter what happens, you have me. I'll always be here for you because I love you" his words were healing to my aching heart. I realised I was lucky to have him in my life. He kissed my hand and held it.
We went to the ER and met Dr kayode. "What happened doctor?" "welcome miss Benson. Your mother was brought in a while ago. The maid said she collapsed on the stairs." "oh my God! How is she? Can I see her?" "calm down Ally. Doctor what's wrong with her?" Richard asked. "Well, she appears to have a concussion.. she hit her head pretty hard. She had a brain injury. She is still unconscious but we're trying our best to revive her." I broke down in tears. This Can't be happening! Not to me.. not when my life was so perfect! Why me! Richard and Doctor tried to comfort me. I was falling to pieces and they wouldn't even let me see her till the next day.
Mother looked so weak and fragile. I've never seen her like that before. She was always so strong and agile. I reached for her hand and held it. "Mum, I know you probably can't here me but I want you to know that I'm praying for you. I love you so much mum, please don't leave me." I started crying. Just then her eyes opened weakly. "Mum.. oh my God mum I don't wanna lose you" "hey ally... it's okay.. I'll be okay" she said weakly.
A week passed and her condition was getting worst. "We have to perform a surgery on her brain to stop the internal bleeding. But there's only 60% chance of survival and it's very expensive. Are you willing to take the risk?" before I could reply the doctor, Richard spoke. "How much do you think it'll cost? Money is not the problem as long as she'll get better" "well about 2.5million for the surgery,but there are other expenses. Before we perform the surgery you will sign a document which indicates that the hospital will not be liable for anything if the surgery is not successful. You don't have to decide now. You can go home and think about it, but the bleeding is getting worse as we speak". Richard sighed and turned to me. "What do you think Ally... it's up to you" I sniffed. Tears were welling in my eyes. If she didn't survive I'd never forgive myself. "I'll sign the document now doctor, the sooner the better." he brought the document and I signed it.. praying that it's worth it. I went to see mum. She was awake. She smiled when she saw me. "Here comes my baby" she said weakly. I smiled. "Hey mum" I sat down and told her about the surgery. She kept quiet for a while. "Mum, say something". She looked at me, smiled and reached for my hand. "Ally, I appreciate that you're willing to do anything it takes to keep me alive but I have the feeling that maybe it's time for me to join your father. I agree with the surgery but I want you to be strong even if I don't make it. I've known you to be very strong and independent, I'm sure you'll be okay. And I want you to take good care of yourself. And about Richard, I know you love him but please don't rush into anything. I don't want you to regret it later. Take time to know him because it's hard to trust people these days. Don't cry, I'll be okay and I'm praying for the best for you" tears were rolling down her face and I was crying also. We talked a little more and she fell asleep. Richard came in and stayed with me.
***** *** *** ******* ******* ******* *****
The surgery was never performed. She passed away in her sleep the next day. I was shattered. I had no one else in this world. I felt all alone. I realised I needed Richard more. He was like my backbone. He helped me get through everything, the grief, the funeral, the condolence visits. He was my armour and my shield and I loved him more everyday. He made me take a vacation. He handled the company and the business dealings all by himself. I was so grateful to him. Months passed and I was healing gradually. We decided to get married,the wedding was to take place in the next few months . Everything was perfect once again. I never thought anything else could go wrong, but obviously I was wrong.

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