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I took a hot bath and changed into an evening gown. I stared at the mirror for a long time before heading downstairs for dinner. "Richard must be back by now" I thought. I applied a little make up,trying to look sexy for him.
The table had already been laid for dinner, but Richard wasn't there. I checked the garage. His BMW wasn't parked in it's usual place. "That's strange. Delilah said the apartment isn't far from here. He ought to be back by now". I dialled his number. Once,twice, no answer. I was getting worried. What could have happened. He picked on the third ring. "Hello"
"Richard it's been hours now... where are you?"
"babes... emergency meeting came up. Sorry I'm gonna miss dinner"
"You should have called or texted atleast. I was getting worried" I replied.
"I'm sorry. I got carried away. I'll finish up and come home as soon as I can. I can't wait to be with you. Love you!" I sighed.
"Love you too" I replied and hung up. I sat down to eat dinner but the food tasted and felt like sponge in my mouth. Many thoughts were running through my mind. I know I left every aspect of the business for Richard to run and it's not easy, but he has never been delayed by work. He always made it home in time for dinner. Maybe things have changed since I've been away. I left the dining room and went to the living room. I decided to watch a movie but my mind wasn't on it. Two hours later, Richard was still not back. I left him 10 missed calls but he didn't call back. I texted him. "Richard it's almost 10pm... I'm worried. Please call me or text me, let me know that you're okay. I miss you." he replied 10minutes later. "Hey, sorry it's taking longer than expected. I'm okay. Don't stay up waiting for me. Go ahead and sleep. You need rest. *kisses*". I read the text over and over again. "Don't stay up waiting for me?" how can he tell me that. I dialled his number again, not reachable. I sighed. An idea occurred to me. I dialled Delilah's number. She picked on the first ring. "Hey Ally.. how're you feeling?"
"I'm good. hey I was just wondering... uhmm... what time did Richard leave your place?". She was silent for a while.
"He left here more than 2 hours ago. He left as soon as he dropped me. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah... everything's fine. Goodnight deli.. thanks again" I hung up. I was so worried. What could be so important that Richard would stay out this late. I dialled my personal secretary's number. "Hello kate?"
"Good evening Mrs Richard, what can I do for you?"
"Can you check if there's any emergency meeting this evening?"
"Right away ma'am. Just hold on" few seconds later she was back on the line. "No meetings this evening ma'am"
"Okay thanks kate. That would be all. Goodnight"
"Goodnight ma'am". I hung up. This can't be right. I hope she's mistaken. I closed my eyes and hummed silently.
I must have fallen asleep. I woke up with a start. There was movement at the door. I checked the time. 12.30am. All the workers must have retired to their quarters by now. I looked around to see if Richard was back. No sign of him. Then suddenly I heard whistling at the door. "Who's there?" I asked walking slowly towards the door. "It's me baby... I'm home!" it was Richard. He stepped in and grabbed me. He was reeking of alcohol. This wasn't the Richard I loved. He tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and locked the door. He fell to the floor. I was so mad. So this was the emergency meeting. "Come on babe... don't you miss me?" his words were slurred and slow. Obviously he was drunk. I stood there motionless. I didn't know what to do. My eyes were tearful. "For how long had Richard been drinking?" I wondered. I stood there for a while watching him. He had fallen asleep. I dragged him to the couch, unbuttoned his shirt and took off his shoes and socks. I left him there and went upstairs to my room. I cried so hard that night. I felt scared. I hoped it wouldn't continue this way. I didn't know when I fell asleep.

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