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I closed my eyes as I braced for the impact of the bullet. I heard the car drive away and Richard's grunt. I waited for the pain but it didn't come.
"Oh God No!" I heard Richie shout. I opened my eyes. I wanted to say I'm fine, she missed her shot but the sight that met my eyes froze the words in my mouth. There he was, the love of my life lying in a pool of his own blood. I didn't know what to do or how to react. Blood was gushing out of the bullet hole in his chest.
"Start the car. Let's get him to a hospital. Quick!" I screamed at Richie. Tears were flowing uncontrollably from my eyes. I couldn't even see well. My whole body was shaking. Richard was gasping for air. I knelt beside him and placed his head on my thighs. He kept trying to speak.
"A-ally.... I..."
"Hush we'll get you to a hospital. You're gonna be okay. I promise you. I'll take care of you" I said to him as tears were coming out of my eyes. I tore the hem of my dress and placed it on the wound to minimise the bleeding and asked him to put pressure on it. Richie helped me place him on the back seat. I sat with him while Richie was behind the wheel. The police were supposed to be here by now but there was no sign of them.
We started looking for a hospital. Richard was getting weaker. I could see the life draining out of him. It took us a while before we located the nearest hospital.
The Emergency unit was overcrowded. Richie and I held Richard and took him in but there was no doctor to attend to him. We were asked to wait in line by a rude nurse.
"Can't you see he's dying! Please help us! I'll pay anything! Please just treat him!" I was screaming at her and crying at the same time. She merely looked at me, then looked at Richard.
"Can't you see you're not the only one here? If you have the money why not take him to a private hospital. Go and sit down till the doctor gets to you" she said and left us. I was furious. How could she be so heartless.
I was so scared of what would happen to Richard if he didn't get medical attention soon. I decided it was best we find another hospital before it's too late. Richard's temperature was rising. His skin felt hot. I removed his shirt. It was already dark by the time we found another clinic. There was only one doctor and a nurse and they were just about to close. I was thankful the bleeding had reduced, or maybe it was because he lost so much blood and there was only little left. We managed to lift him and take him inside the clinic. His body was as hot as coal and his eyes were closed.
"Richard look at me. You'll be fine. Don't give up just yet" I said to him as we were waiting for the doctor to get his tools ready to remove the bullet.
"Alison... I love you. I'm sorry for all the trouble you've been through because of my mistake" he gasped every word like it was taking him all the strength he had.
"You'll be alright baby. Just hang on" I replied.
"Rich---Richie" he coughed. Richie came forward and held his hand. Richard smiled and Richie smiled back amidst tears. I couldn't help but smile too. It was a bittersweet moment. Here I was with the most important people in my life, one on the brink of death and I was still smiling.
Richard didn't say anything after then. He just held our hands. The doctor came back shortly after. He asked us to leave the room.
we heard Richard scream as the bullet was being removed. I hugged Richie tight as we sat in the waiting room.
The bullet was removed and the wound was treated and we went on our way. His body was still hot. The police didn't call to say they've caught the culprits. I still couldn't understand why Blessing shot Richard and not me. I was almost ready to die. Or maybe she didn't aim well, I thought.
We arrived home quietly around 8pm. We were all tired and worn out. Richie went to his room immediately. Bola was shocked to see us covered in bloodstains.
"Madam! What happened?" she asked concerned. I waved her off. I wasn't in the mood to talk. It is non of her business anyway.
I held Richard and we went upstairs. It was difficult for me to support him. He was very weak. I stripped him and led him to the bathroom. I filled the bathroom with warm water and bathed him. I dressed him in his pyjamas and laid him on the bed. I left him and went to clean up myself.
I had cried so much my eyes were red and swollen. My face was flushed. I cleaned up and went downstairs. I instructed Bola to make some soup for Richard. I thought maybe we should go back to another hospital, a standard one but I remembered that the other doctor said he'll be okay by the next day. He told me all he needed was a pain reliever and blood tonic because he had lost a lot of blood. Just to be sure, I called my physician. He said he could not make it that day but he'll be here first thing in the morning.
I went to Richie's room and met him standing by the window. He turned when he saw me.
"It's all my fault" he said.
"I shouldn't have left with her that night" I moved closer and held his hand.
"It's not your fault. Don't ever blame yourself. Sit down and tell me how it happened". I said to him.
We sat down and he told me how Blessing kept trying to persuade him to leave with her. He told me they left together that night and they were ambushed. He thought they were robbers but they hit him and covered his mouth, tied him up and put him in the back of their van as Blessing drove his car. His phone was smashed on the ground. He had stayed in that warehouse for several days with little food. They did not harm him on Blessing's instructions. When he finished telling me I hugged him and assured him that everything would be alright.
The D.P.O called in unexpectedly later at night. He told me the kidnappers have been caught, but they had a hard time finding us because the tracker had been removed from our car. He checked Richard while he was sleeping.
I couldn't eat much that night. Richard woke up in the middle calling my name. His body was hot. I used a wet towel to dab his forehead.
"I'm right here baby. What is it?" I asked. I didn't sleep at all. I was watching over him like a guardian angel.
"W-water... I n-need water" he said weakly. I stood up and poured water in a glass. He took a sip and pushed it away. I sat down and held his hand. It felt cold yet his body was hot. He started gasping for air and he was sweating profusely. His body started convulsing. "Richard!" I screamed holding him down. His eyes rolled back in his head. Only the white part was visible. I was so scared. The time was 1.45AM. I dialled the physician's number.
Richard passed away right in my arms before the physician arrived. I found out later that the wound had been infected. I almost ran mad. I wasn't myself for days, weeks. how could life be so cruel? Taking away the only man I loved. Will I ever heal from this deep wound that has been cut deep into my heart? I felt a burning hatred for blessing. There was no meaning to life anymore. Nothing to live for.
Richie supported and helped me get through it all. I was thankful I have him in my life.
**8 months later**
Richie had left for the US to study engineering in the University of southern california. I continued my life like a living dead. Nothing was interesting anymore. I missed Richard dearly and I cursed Blessing everyday for taking away his life. What angered me most was that she managed to bribe her way out of police custody. I had placed Huderson Inc. On the market and it has been sold to the highest bidder. There was nothing left for me in Nigeria so I decided to join Richie in the US. Maybe I'd have a chance to bond with my aunt, my mother's younger sister whom I found out about just recently. I had already packed my belongings and left my house. The only reason I stayed behind after Richard's death was because of Delilah's wedding. It came as a surprise that she ended up with Tony, my lawyer. I was glad but not as excited as I was supposed to be. Life had suddenly become dull and meaningless. Who knows, maybe one day I might come back to Nigeria.
On my way to the airport, there was an accident. The car in front of us had hit a mad woman. I was angry at the delay as it could make me miss my flight. I alighted from the vehicle to see what had happened. A small crowd had already gathered. I asked the nearest bystander what was causing the commotion.
"A mad woman was trying to cross the road and he was driving too fast to avoid hitting her" he told me. I wanted to go back to my car but I decided to take a look at the victim.
Behold! Blessing was lying on the road unconscious, with her legs at an odd angle. At first I couldn't recognise her. Her head was bashed and she was bleeding. Her clothes were tattered and dirty. I moved forward. I wasn't even thinking. As I looked at her, I kept remembering all she did to me. Yet, something warm touched my heart. I couldn't just leave her there. I called my driver and he carried her to my car. We took her to the hospital. I wrote a cheque to cater for her medical needs. I asked my physician to transfer her to a psychiatric hospital when she has recovered from her body injuries. I was sure the police would find her soon because she had been declared wanted.
I booked another flight the next day. As I sat in the plane, I thought about everything that has happened in my life. Losing my parents, losing my baby and losing the love of my life. I hoped moving would help me start all over. I was willing to leave my past behind me. I said a silent prayer and closed my eyes.
Richie would be at the airport in california, waiting for me along with his girlfriend nana. Her uncle had disappointed her saying he is now broke therefore he cannot afford her fees, so I decided to sponsor her anonymously. I used my charity account and I hoped they'll never find out that I'm the source.
A better life was waiting for me ahead, I could feel it.
### THE END ###

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