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I had trouble sleeping that night. I kept having nightmares, and in each of them someone was trying to kill me. Someone close to me but I couldn't see the person's face. The form also kept shifting so I couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man. When I couldn't sleep anymore, I checked the time. It was 6.30AM. I headed to the bathroom and took a hot bath. After that I went to the wardrobe and picked something comfortable to wear. I decided it was time to listen to whatever Richard has to say.
I went to the kitchen and met Delilah's housekeeper cleaning. She greeted me. "Morning. Is your madam up yet?" I asked her. "No ma, she normally wakes up around 8 during the weekend"
"Okay. I want to prepare breakfast. Show me where I can find the ingredients and foodstuff"
"Okay ma". She showed me everything I needed and I prepared pancakes. I was almost done when Delilah came into the kitchen. "Hmmm I was wondering where the sweet flavoured scent was coming from... good morning"
I smiled "good morning. Hope you slept well?"
"Like a baby. You woke up early" she replied.
"Yeah... had trouble sleeping"
"Awwwn... poor you" I smiled. She had no idea.
The housekeeper took her leave shortly after that, we sat down to eat breakfast. Richard joined us later. "Good morning" he greeted. We replied.  Nobody said anything while at the table. We finished eating and Delilah said she was going out, she had something to do. I sat down in the living room watching TV. Richard came and sat down beside me. He held my hand. "Alison, I want to explain everything to you. Please don't say anything till I finish. I'm eager to get this off my chest". I sighed and nodded. And he started. "15 years ago I lived with my parents in a village,i used to be called Emeka. My father was a chief and I was his first and only son. My father provided everything I wanted and my mother pampered me so much. I was sent to the best school in the area. Though I was very intelligent, I never paid attention to my studies but the teachers passed me anyway because of the influence of my father. I was always fond of hanging out with bad gangs. At 15 I was already a smoker and alcohol was my best friend. The day my father found out he thrashed me and warned me to be responsible but I didn't heed his warning. I Continued all my habits in secret. I stole money from my parents to keep up the habits. The friends I had were older than me so they kept encouraging me. I felt like my dad didn't want me to have fun. When I was 17 my parents died in an accident on their way to sapele. Their death didn't really affect me. I didn't care because I thought their death would give me the freedom I wanted. Soon enough, I felt the effect when my uncle and his family moved to my parents house. I was now in his care. Now my uncle was a fearsome man in the village. He was strict and he tolerated no nonsense. Perhaps old age has changed him because when he came the last time he didn't look as fierce as he was before. Anyway he tried to correct my ill behaviour by giving me the worst punishments. Sometimes I was starved. I demanded to be given my late father's money but my uncle refused. Saying I was irresponsible.  I was transferred to a public school in ss2. That was where I met Blessing. She was 16 then. We started seeing each other. My friends were encouraging me to have sex with her but it never appealed to me. I felt I could not bear the consequences but they assured me that they do it all the time and nothing has happened. I talked to Blessing about it and she said she was curious to know what it felt like because her friends are always talking about it. After giving it much thought I decided I couldn't do it. When my friends heard that, they laughed and jeered at me, calling me cowardly names. I was so angry I got high that evening and went to blessing's home. Her mother was still at the market and her father was still at the farm. I gave her younger sister and brother money and asked them to go and get something for themselves." he paused and looked at me. I kept my expression blank meanwhile I had a million questions in my head. When I didn't say anything he continued. " Blessing was confused when she saw me. I didn't say anything to her. I just led her to her room and started undressing. When I finished I undressed her too. We were done within a few minutes. I was so high I didn't even realise what I was doing. I didn't care if I'd hurt her or not. I left her lying there,I dressed up and left the house. I went to the stream and lay down under a tree. I didn't know when I slept off. When I woke up it was dark and my head felt heavy. Then I remembered that I had sex with blessing, No, I almost raped her. I felt so guilty. She didn't deserve it. Why didn't I go for one of the village whores, I thought. But it was too late. I went home and met my uncle with a belt at the door. I knew it was past my curfew. He thrashed me and I didn't object because I felt so guilty of what I did to blessing. I didn't sleep well that night. I was eager to go to school the next day to apologise to Blessing but she didn't come to school. I was scared to go to her house. Three days passed and she didn't come to school. I asked her friends and they said she was sick. I was so worried. On the 4th day I went home from school and I saw a small crowd gathered in our compound. I saw blessing's Father's bicycle leaning on the wall and I heard my uncle's voice and her Father's voice. Let him come I'll deal with him. If he is responsible he will pay for it. her father was saying. I stopped in my tracks. Right then I knew blessing was pregnant. I knew my uncle would kill me if I entered that house so I ran. I hid in the bushes for 3 days and depended on food I stole from the market place. My uncle was still looking for me. I wrote a letter to Blessing apologising for what happened and promising that I'll make things right. I went home when I was sure nobody would see me and packed my things. I flagged a market wagon and left the village for good."
he paused again and looked at me. There were tears in my eyes. I had pity for him, sympathy. I was ready to forgive him. I opened my mouth to say something but he shook his head.
"That's not all. Let me finish. The wagon left for Lagos. I had no money when we arrived. I sold a few things. And bought something to sell again. That was how I started a mini trade. I slept under the bridge and made some friends. Gradually I started saving money. I started apprenticeship with a mechanic, that was why I was able to fix your car the first day we met. I wrote a letter to blessing once. I didn't tell her where I was but I told her how I was doing. I promised her that I would make money for us and the baby and I would come back and marry her once I am established. I raised money and went back to school. I studied business administration in the university of Lagos. I wrote to blessing occasionally. I didn't even know if she got my letters or not. After I graduated I couldn't find a job. I decided to move to Abuja. Few months later I met you and I forgot all about blessing until my uncle showed up. That night he reminded me of the promise I made to blessing."
he closed his eyes as if in deep thought and sighed. I was speechless. I wanted to say something but I couldn't form the words. I wiped my tears and smiled. This is too much for me to take in, I thought. I need to sit down and think about what I just heard and I need to ask questions.

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