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I opened my eyes slowly. The environment Didn't look familiar. I was sweating profusely. My head was pounding. I had a terrible nightmare. I lifted my hand slowly. There was a tube attached to my hand. I couldn't move the hand. I was confused. "Where am I?" then It all started coming back to me. The accident wasn't a nightmare. It really happened. And judging from the beeping sounds I was hearing, I was in a hospital. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. It was really frustrating.
I heard the door open. "Oh my God Ally... You're conscious! Finally!" it was Delilah,my best friend. "It's been weeks....oh thank goodness". She came forward and kissed my forehead. I tried to speak. The first thing I said was "Richard... my baby". She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I knew something was wrong. "Relax Ally... let me just call the doctor... he needs to check you... you've been in a coma for weeks now... I guess the shock must have hit you pretty hard". "Deli... Richard.. my baby... I..I.. need.. to see.. them" my words came out in gasps. She squeezed my hand. "I'll be right back" and she went out of the room. my mind was in turmoil. "Why isn't she saying anything... why is she giving me that look". The door opened and the doctor came in. "Hello Mrs Richard. Good to see you've come around. I just need to do some routine check". "Doctor where is my husband? Where is my baby?" he sighed. "Your husband is fine. He was discharged 2 weeks ago. Infact he just left here few minutes before miss Delilah called me." "oh thank goodness. And my baby?" I asked a little bit relieved. Atleast Richard is okay. The Doctor moved a chair and sat down beside my bed. He looked sad. "Mrs Richard.. there's been a little complication. I wish you'll let it be till your health is stable". "Doctor.. cut the crap please... tell me.. where is my baby?" tears were forming in my eyes. It's like I knew what he was gonna say but i refused to believe it. Just then the door opened again. I turned.
It was Richard. He had a sling around one arm, apart from that he looked unscathed. I wished I could stand up and hug him. "Hey pretty" he said smiling. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I smiled weakly. He placed his hand on my head and gently stroked my hair. "Hello doctor... how's she doing?" "well.. she's doing fine but we still need to keep her for a few days to make sure she's perfectly okay" he replied. "Fine by me. How's the wound? Hope it's healing?" Richard asked. I was looking at the two of them. Non of them mentioned my baby. "Richard.. what about the baby? Can I see it now?" the pained expression on Richard's face told me something was wrong. It was like a knife being driven straight through my heart. He sighed. Tears started flowing from my eyes. "I'm sorry Ally.. but the baby didn't make it. The doctors could barely save you also..." my head started spinning. This can't be happening. "Noooooooooo....!" I screamed. "Richard please tell me it's not true! Tell me the baby is fine!" he shook his head. "Doctor?" I asked with a plea in my voice. This can't be true. He sighed. "There was nothing we could do... I'm sorry" I was sobbing so hard. My whole body was trembling. I felt a wave of rage. The room was suddenly so hot. My heart was thudding loudly. I yanked at the tube connected to my hands and grabbed the doctor's coat. "You didn't save my baby! You bloody murderer! You let my baby die!" the nurses rushed into the room followed by Delilah. I held on to his coat and kept dragging and screaming. Hands were holding me from all directions. "Calm down sweety... Ally please you're hurting yourself".Richard tried to hold me and I pushed him away. All I felt was pain and anger, and I wanted the doctor to pay for it. Although I knew it wasn't his fault. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my arm. A needle was piercing through my skin. My vision became blurry. I saw the nurse drop the syringe in the waste bin,then I lost consciousness.
I opened my eyes a few hours later. Richard and Delilah were standing by the window, talking in hushed tones, probably because they didn't want me to hear. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I listened to their conversation.
"Richard I'm scared of how she'll react if we tell her. You saw what happened when she heard about the baby."
" I know I know... but she still has to know. She'll definitely find out sooner or later so I think it's better we tell her. It will be easier for all of us.." Richard replied.
"well atleast wait till she's over the whole baby thing. And you know things aren't going too well at the office also...She sighed.".. I just hope she'll be fine."
"just don't tell her about it yet. I'll be the one to tell her...just pretend everything is fine. Hush now before we wake her" He said and held her hand.
I couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore. I opened my eyes. I was so curious. What could they be discussing so privately that they didn't want me to hear. And why is Richard holding her hand. "Whatever you have to tell me... why not say it now and save us the tension?" I said. he quickly released her hand and they both turned. "Oh Ally we didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep... you need it". "I'll sleep when I want to, Richard. Tell me, what's going on?" I looked at Delilah and she looked away. Richard sighed. "Baby just get some rest. We'll talk later". "Richard tell me what's going on now or else I swear to God I will....." he cut me off before I finished. "You will what?? I told you to get some rest dammit! Why can't you listen! We'll talk when you're calm. Come on Delilah. Let's give her some space". They both walked out of the room. I was taken aback. Richard had never shouted at me. What the hell is up with those two. Something is going on and they're hiding it from me. Well, sooner or later everything will come to light. I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

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