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Blessing was chasing me with a cutlass, pure rage and hatred in her eyes. Her hair was scattered and she looked mad. "I will kill you!" she screamed at me. I kept running. It was a dark street. How did I end up here? I wondered. My heart was beating fast and I was sweating profusely. I turned to look at Blessing. She was gaining on me. I have to run faster. I thought. "Help! Somebody help me!" I screamed. She was right behind me. I tripped on something. It felt like a human body. I looked down. Richard was lying face down in a pool of blood. Or was it Richie? Just then Blessing raised the cutlass and prepared to strike me. I screamed.
Someone was shaking me, bringing me back to reality.
"Ally it's me! Wake up you're having a nightmare" Richard was trying to wake me. I was shaking and sweat was pouring down my body. I started crying. He held me to his chest.
"Hush baby. I'm here for you. It's just a bad dream." he whispered in my ears and kissed me. Gradually my sobbing subsided and Richard slept off. I checked the time. It was 3AM. I went to the bathroom. My eyes were red from crying and there was a red mark on my neck, the same place where Blessing's cutlass would have struck me in the dream. I was scared and confused. I couldn't even tell Richard. What bothered me most wasn't that blessing was trying to kill me, it was the dead body I saw. This was the 3rd time I had a dream like this but this was the scariest. I stripped and filled the bath tub with hot water. I lay down in the tub and closed my eyes.
"You will not take my son away from me" Blessing's voice kept ringing in my ears. I was so scared. Then I was choking, drowning. Water was everywhere, then it turned into blood. It was as if there was a heavy object on my body. I couldn't come out of the water. Then I heard Blessing's wicked laugh, then Richard's blood covered face was staring at me. I screamed and jumped out of the tub. It felt so real I didn't know it was a nightmare. My head was pounding. This is getting too much. I'm just being paranoid. I said to myself. I toweled myself dry and left the bathroom. I watched Richard sleeping peacefully, even snoring a bit. I smiled. I wished it was me. I checked the time. 5AM. Well,no more sleep for me. I thought. I decided to make some tea and read a book before 6.
I slipped into Richard's shirt and went downstairs. I made tea and picked up J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire from the bookshelf. One of my favourites. As I opened the first page a little card fell from it. I recognised it as the one I was given at the club, by a psychiatrist. I held the card in my hand wondering if I should pay her a visit. I needed to talk to someone about these nightmares. I Decided I would go and see her the following week if the nightmares persist, but I hoped it won't.
I started reading the book and sipping my tea. Bola the maid soon came to the living room to clean.i kept the book and moved to the front yard. I stood there gazing at the pink sky. It was almost sunrise. Nature is beautiful, I thought as I glanced some birds in the sky. The gardener came out and started trimming the flowers. We greeted each other.
I went inside because I had started feeling cold. Richie was already eating cereal at the dining table. He was already dressed. I could tell he was excited about his first day at Brains academy.
"Good morning mum" he greeted me when he saw me.
"Morning Richie. I see you're almost ready for school. Eager to go huh?" I asked. He smiled. "Yeah I can't wait to be in class again." he replied. Then he looked at me and frowned.
"What's wrong? Are you sick?" he asked.
"No Richie I'm fine I just had trouble sleeping that's all. I better go check on your dad, he's gonna be late for work" I quickly left him before he could ask anymore questions.
Richard was dressing up in our room.
"Good morning honey" I greeted him. He came forward to kiss me when I entered the room.
"Morning baby. You look terrible. Are you sick?" he asked with concern. Gosh do I look that bad? I thought to myself.
"I'm fine." I lied. Because my head was still aching.
"Well you don't look too good. Are you sure you don't need a doctor? Take a look at yourself. By the way this shirt looks so sexy on you. If you weren't looking like a zombie I'd have ripped it off you by now". We both laughed as he turned me to face the mirror. Damn I really look terrible I said to myself. My eyes were red and I had dark circles. It must be the lack of sleep, I thought.
"I'll be fine honey" I said to him.
I changed into a dress and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. Richie was already done. I wanted to follow Richie to school before going to work but Richard said I should stay home and rest, get some sleep if possible. I obliged after much persuasion. Richie was assigned a driver and they left with the black X6, while Richard took the white audi. I kissed them both before they left. "Have fun at school and be good. Try and make some friends too. I'll have a surprise waiting for you when you get back" I said to Richie.
"Bye mum. He waved at me from the back seat" I blew him a kiss.
I went inside the house thinking of how to keep myself busy then I decided to call Delilah and tell her what has been going on with me.

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