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I left feeling hurt and betrayed. I thought there was nothing I didn't know about Richard. I thought we shared everything, just as couples should do. Delilah tried to distract me with small talk but my mind wasn't with her. I was sure Richard brought up the issue of me not being able to conceive to avoid being asked what he discussed with his "uncle". He knew the news would shock me enough to take my mind off Mr okon's comments. I sighed and picked up a novel to read. The trip felt longer than usual.
On getting there, I decided to let all my worries out of my head and relax, enjoy the moment as Delilah suggested. We had a lot of fun things to do. Shopping always helped me relieve stress so I did a lot of that although I didn't need most of the clothes I bought.
The two weeks vacation flew by. Richard always called to check on me. I didn't bring up what had been bothering me. I pretended everything was fine until I believed everything was fine. Maybe I'm just overreacting and it's just a little misunderstanding I said to myself. I shortened the trip, eager to get back to Richard because I was missing him so much. We went back to Nigeria a day before we were supposed to. I didn't tell Richard because I wanted to surprise him. I felt so excited and I was ready to let go of whatever it is that Mr okon was talking about until Richard was ready to talk about it.
I called Richard just before going to the airport. He told me he was still buried in work and he misses me. I smiled to myself thinking about how his face would light up when he comes home from work and sees me.
I called the driver to pick us when we were at the airport. I called Richard again and he said he was still at work. Perfect! I thought. I'd cook a nice meal for us and wear my sexiest dress. It was gonna be a great night. The driver dropped Delilah at her apartment and we proceeded to my home. On arrival, I noticed that all the cars were in the garage. Which car did Richard use to get to the office then? I thought.
The driver parked right in front of the front door. I came out of the car. Something was strange somehow. I felt it. I pushed open the door but it didn't open. I knocked but there was no answer. I brought out my key to unlock the door but I discovered it was locked from the inside. Just then someone opened the door.
I couldn't believe who I was seeing. I was shocked beyond words. My mouth was hanging open. The person standing in from of me was a perfect copy of Richard. I would have mistaken him for Richard but he was much younger. A teenage version. The humorous eyes, the sharp jaw, the perfect chocolate complexion. I was so confused. So many questions in my head. I was speechless. "Yes, can I help you?" he said. Even his voice sounded like Richard's. He was looking at me with disgust. I smiled. " I should be asking you that. You're in my house." I made for the door but he stood at the entrance. "Excuse me you're blocking my path" I said. He folded his arms and looked me up and down. Like he was assessing me. Then he turned and said "mom! There's a situation here".
"What is it junior? Who is at the door?" it was a female voice. I stood there waiting like a fool. It all seemed like a dream to me. "I don't know. Come and see for yourself". He replied and headed inside. I walked in and shut the door. The boy was eating at the dining table and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was all so strange. "Where is Richard?" I asked the boy. Before he could reply me, a lady came down the stairs. "Who is asking?" she remarked rudely. She was tall, dark, slim but busty. She had a nice figure and a pretty face. Her voice was sharp and her jaw was set rudely. She looked obviously older than me. She should be atleast 30 while I was just 24. I wondered who she is and what gave her the guts to be standing in my staircase. "Excuse me who are you and what are you doing in my house?" she laughed a wicked high-pitched laugh. "Oh it's you. Sisi oyibo. So you're back? Well you better find your way because you're not welcome here." my heart was beating fast. "What do you mean I'm not welcome here? You're the one I should be throwing out! What gives you the audacity to insult me in my own house! Who the hell are you and where is my husband?!" she looked at me with disgust. I picked up my phone and dialled Richard's number. It started ringing. Just then I saw him coming down the stairs. "What's the noise all about?" he asked rubbing his eyes.
"Richard what's the meaning of this?"
He looked surprised to see me. "Oh Ally I thought you wouldn't be back till tomorrow" the lady stepped aside to let him pass. He was now standing right in front of me. "Listen why don't you go freshen up and we'll talk later?"
"No. I demand to know what's going on right now. And didn't you tell me you were still at the office?" he moved forward and tried to hug me. I pushed him away. Tears were welling in my eyes. The lady hissed and joined the boy at the dining table. "Ally please. Just listen to me". He moved closer.
I shook my head, picked up my car keys and headed towards the door. "Ally where are you going? Come back here". I entered my car and drove off. I could hear the lady laughing inside the house. Richard was standing at the door calling my name but I couldn't go back. I had to leave. With no destination in mind, I continued driving and thought about recent events. Tears were rolling down my face. I just didn't understand what was going on. Why was my life so complicated? I wondered. I remembered how excited I was before I came back. I never knew I'd meet something so shocking. Richard kept calling my phone. Few minutes later Delilah called also. Richard must have told her, I thought. Just yesterday I was thinking of how to make our marriage life better, and this is what I got instead, a broken heart. I thought of going back because I felt guilty of not hearing Richard out but I knew I can't stand the sight of that woman. I passed a club and thought maybe I should drink my sorrows away. I parked and grabbed my purse. I wiped my face and dabbed powder. I looked at the mirror. I'm still young, rich and pretty, I don't deserve to be treated this way. Richard can go to hell for all I care, even though I love him so much. I've been independent before, I can take care of myself and get my shit together, I thought to myself. I locked the car and headed towards the club.

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