Chapter 6: You Can Tell Me Anything

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"Claire" Phil began in a soft sweet voice "you know you can tell me anything. Right?" One single tear slipped down his cheek. Not wanting Claire to see he quickly sipped it away. "Of coarse I know that." Claire explained "but" Claire paused. She didn't like lying especially when it came to her husband. "There is nothing to tell." Phil looked frustrated, and oh boy he was! "BS! Who hurt you?!? I saw the bruises! Who the hell was it?!?" Phil yelled, he was so anrgy. Not at his wife but at this person, whoever or should I say whatever it was. "Oh that" Claire said still thinking of a good lie. "YES THAT" Phil said, he was extremely ticked off. Claire really didn't want to say "Well honey earlier today when I was pinned down to the ground and brutally raped I hit my back a few times. Like when he through me at the wall. And then on the ground. And when he was done with me he kicked my back." Claire was completely lost in her thoughts. Thinking of all this made her have a full on flashback. She could see everything so clear, it seemed so real. A tear fell from one of Claire's beautiful brown eyes. "I just fell down the stairs" Claire lied. Phil grabbed her arm innocently to ask her what she was thinking. Claire moved out of his grip so fast it was inhuman, as she moved she let out a loud short scream. Claire didn't mean to scream but the touch scared her. It hurt her to think it but it reminded her of his touch. "I'm sorry." Phil said looked shocked. "I'm sorry. It's just me baby it's just me." Phil whispered as Claire climbed into his arms.

They sat in the bathroom in silence all night just holding each


Claire only dosed off one time and was awakened by her screams. After that she was too scared to close her eyes. Living the rape was enough hell but to relive it was almost worse, because no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get away from it. Her mind would not let her forget it, it just replay over and over again like a broken record. When she thought about it during the day she could mostly only see it happening. It really bothered her that she couldn't stop it. More so at night, this was the worst she could feel him in her, her his voice, see that damn evil grin, and feel all the pain.

Once Claire screamed Phil asked "Bad dream?" Claire, for once, answered truthfully "THE WORST." Phil thinking he was getting somewhere asked what is was about. Claire abandoned honesty and asked "I don't remember." Phil didn't buy this. "Are you sure?" he questioned. "Of coarse I am! Are you calling me a lier?" Claire knew that she was but her husband saying it out loud pissed her off. He got the message and backed off "No of coarse not. And just like that silence was restored into the Dunfey home.

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