Chapter 29

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"She was the most amazing mother anyone could ever ask for. I loved her so much. I just wish I could have had more time with her. I wish she could still be here to walk me down the isle, and to take my sister, Alex to prom, and to help Luke with his homework. She was taken from us to soon. She was the best role model anyone could ask for. These past few months were really hard on her. After my mom was raped something in her changed. I could see it in her eyes. But somehow she never lost her strength. She was able to keep herself from falling into the darkness. He took a lot from her but he was never able to take the light out of her eyes," Haley exclaimed. 

Haley's eyes were red and tears where streaming down her face. She could not understand why someone would take her mother away from her, especially in such a horrible violent way. Haley did not want her siblings to go up there and talk. She wanted to protect them now. Who else would? Their mother is dead. Haley felt an obligation to try and take care of them like their mother once did. However there was no stopping them. Alex went first. 

"My mother was a very brave woman. She did not let anyone stand in her way. She always taught us to stand up for what we believe in and most importantly she wanted us to be fighters. She was a fighter. She died fighting. She was fighting for justice. She was not only doing it for herself, or just to set a good example for us, she wanted to prove to every other survivor of rape that justice is possible. Never in my life have I ever meet someone that strong. I am very confident that I never will again. I will always remember her, and all of the wonderful things she achieved through out her life. I hope one day I can become half as successful as she is... was," Alex whipped a small tear out of her eye as she stepped away. 

Phil whispered in his daughters ear when she was done speaking, "Alex, you have already become as brave as your mother and don't you ever forget that." 

Now it was Luke's turn. He slowly walked up in-front of everyone. He was shaking. 

"I love my mom. I do not think it's fair that someone would want to take her away from us. I wish she could come back.I need her. Who is going to make my lunch? Who is going to tuck me in at night, even when I ask her not to? No one. No one can replace her," Luke began to cry, "I want my mommy!" 

Haley rush onto the stage and gave her brother a hug. She picked him up and sat down in the audience with him. He cried quieter so the service could continue. 

Phil walked up to give the final speach. 

"Hello, family and friends. I would like to thank you all for coming. Claire would have liked to see us all her without any fighting. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. Truly. I remember when we first met. She was the most beautiful woman I had even seen. From the first time I laid my eyes on her I was determind to make her my wife. "

Phil went on to tell the crowd how much Clarie meant to him and how much he missed her. Everyone listened, expecally Charles. He was not invited but he knew what was happening. He said that all she had to do was keep her trap shut then everything would be okay. She did not listen. Charles always keeps his promises. He told Claire that he would kill her and everyone she loved if she talked. He was being nice, at least he killed her first. Charles walked across his yard into the Dunfy backyard. 

"I told her not to tell. I love her. This way she can learn and we can be together forever," Charles said. 

Charles walked around the house making sure the walls were covered in gasoline. This way all of the exits would burn. No one would have a chance. After doing a couple laps Charles looked into the room. He saw Claire's whole family. Everything was perfect. He lit his match and dropped it on the house. It very quickly went up in flames. 

There was soon fire every where. You could hear lots of people sreaming for help. Charles just sat there and watched. 

"Now that I have had my Claire killed and I took care of her family, it is time for us to be together," he says. 

Just then the police arrive. They all surround him. So many guns are pointed at him and the police yell at him to get to the ground. 

"I love you Claire," were his last words. 

Charles ran. He did not get more then two steps when he was shot. He died before he hit the ground. 


AN:: THANK YOU FOR STICKING AROUND UNTIL THE END OF THIS STORY! I love all of my readers! I hope you enjoyed it! I do not know why I killed everyone off but I felt like it. Please leave comments and tell me what you think. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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