Chapter 25: Stars

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AN:: School just got out so these updates should be faster as I'm sure you have noticed. Thank you so much for reading it really makes me happy. I love you guys! please comment. 😘

Claire walked into the house and looked at the clock. Thank god, she thought. The kids would not be back for an hour or so. She didn't need them asking questions. Claire felt like a bad mother for letting her children see her vulnerable. She wanted them to see her as a strong powerful women, she wanted to be their role model. Little did she know her kids only looked up to her more as they watched her try to climb out of the darkness.

**a few hours later, after sunset.**

Claire walked outside into the cool night. She just had dinner with her family. She loves them so much but she is tried of putting on a brave face and pretending to not be dead inside. All Claire really wanted to do is roll up in a ball and cry. It seemed childish but she couldn't hide her emotions anymore. Claire could never act as damaged as she felt around her family. Claire walked across the green grass and laid down in the middle of the lawn.

Claire looked up at the twinkling stars above her. They lit up the sky with beauty. Ever since Claire was little she liked to look up at the stars. They always brought her comfort, now more then ever. When you look at a star you see a beautiful light in the night. However, when you look at a star close up it is a hot, fiery, explosive ball. Claire felt that she could relate. On the outside, she did her best to act calm, and collected. She always tried to conceal her feelings. On the inside, she was exploding. She was upset, angry and sad all at the same time. She was a total wreak but she wouldn't let any one see.

Claire got up and made her way upstairs after she knew everyone else was already in bed. She tip toed to ensure that no one would hear her. Claire walked into her room hoping her husband would not be awake. "Hey Claire are you okay?" Phil asked as Claire entered the room. "Im fine." Claire whispered. She thought damn it. "Come lay with me." Phil asked hoping he could cheer her up. "Let me go to the bathroom first." She answered as she darted to the bathroom.

Claire sat down on the floor. She didn't cry. She didn't even think. For Claire had made an important decision that night. She wasn't going to let that bastard take anything else from her. He couldn't have her tears. He couldn't have her thoughts. Not now, not ever again.

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