Chapter 20: "Congradulations"

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AN:: I am very sorry it's been so long! All week at school I had midterms. I am a crazy nerd and had to study non stop all week, but I got all A's! Anyway I will upload some more ASAP.

Claire just started crying. She couldn't handle the thought of carrying her rapists baby. Claire ran into the bathroom and threw up. Having part of the monster growing inside of her was too much to bare. Claire sat by the toilet on the cold hard ground. She had tears falling down her face. She let them fall and collect into her lap. Claire was frozen. She sat there and didn't move a muscle. Her whole world had been turned upside down. She didn't know anything expect for one thing. Claire knew there was no way she could keep the baby.

Claire spent he whole day just siting there holding the test and staring in front of her. "Claire!" Phil yelled when he came home. Claire didn't notice. "Claire!! CLAIRE!!!" Phil yelled getting woried. All day Phil worried about Claire. He couldn't bring himself to leave her all day so he came home around noon. She's not answering him....... A million thoughts went through Phil's mind and most of them weren't pretty. He made his way into their bedroom still hollering her name. No answer. Phil could feel his heart pounding inside his chest. He felt like it might explode. When he opened the bathroom door and saw Claire siting there he felt an overwhelming sense of reflef.

"Oh, Hi" Claire muttered. She barely acknowledged him. Phil sat down next to her and sweetly asked "What's wrong?" Claire didn't say anything she just handed him the pregnancy test. "Oh my god." Phil said. "Well you don't know that it's his." He was trying to give her some hope, even if it was a long shot. "No it is. The timing isn't right. It's his." Claire explained. Phil did his best to comfort her, "It's ok, honey. We will get through this together. We have each other."

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