Chapter 27: Wanting Justice

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The first thing Claire did that morning was march on down to the police station. She walked up to the desk and slammed her fist onto the counter. "I need to speak to Detective Benson, now." Claire yelled at the officer. "Please" she whispered after realizing how rude she sounded. "Yes mam'am." said the officer. Claire was surprised that she was getting what she wanted for once.

Claire walked through the police station to the detective. "Hello. I was wondering if you have any leads on my case?" Claire said in a hushed voice. "I'm sorry but I don't. I have been working your case from the beginning. This guy is good, we can't find a trace." Detective Benson answered. "Does this mean he will go free? He will be able to walk the streets. He is after me and my family! I will protect them. I can't allow this beast to ever come near our house again. I will do whatever I have to in order to protect my family." Claire argued. She was proud of herself for finally standing up for herself. Claire felt reasonable for bringing this bastard into there lives. Since she brought him in, she felt that it was her duty to make sure he gets out. "Claire, just because we do not have any leads mean that we will stop trying. I have not stopped working your case and I don't plan on it. I will do my best to see that this man is brought to justice," Detective Benson reassured Claire.


He was new to the neighbor hood he needs to get to know his neighbors. Maybe they will become friends. If he is friends with his neighbors then he can eat over, they could babysit his cat, Lucifer. He would like that very much. But this would not happen, for Charles is a lonely man. When ever he goes out in public he can't talk to anyone. He is to anti-social. However Charles is liking his new neighbor hood. He did get to know one of his neighbors well, even if she did not want to know him at all.


Alex walked u to her big sister with a frightened look. "Haley?" she asked. "What is it?" the older girl answered. She thought something was wrong due to Alex's voice. "Do you think that mom is actually okay or is she just pretending?" Alex said. It was an honest question. She did not think he mom was the same woman. Alex knew her mom was strong, but she worried if she could handle this. "I think mom is going to be fine. She is going through a very hard time. I do not think she wants to show us how much she is hurting. I believe that she thinks we might look down on her or something." Haley said. Haley did not like to see her once perfect family this way.

AN: Hey guys! Thank you for continuing to read my story. I can't tell you how much it means to me!! My best friend just started writing on wattpad. If you like Scandal you should go read her story Forbidden Love. Her name is @ineedmew. Thanks guys! I love each and every one of you!!

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