Chapter 17: Gloria

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AN:: I don't know if this part is historically correct. Let's just go with it.

"What? I'm sorry i didn't know." Claire apologized. "It's ok. I understand what you are going through and it will get better." Gloria said. "Can I ask you about it?" Claire asked. She sure minded when people asked her. "That's why I'm here" Gloria said. "What happened?" Claire asked in an unsure tone. "Well, it happened when I was living in Columbia before Manny was born. I was 19. My village was not very safe. If a man committed a murder he would not be punished. Women have very little rights. We are just expected to get married raise children and look pretty. I still lived at home a shad a job as a nanny. Women were only allowed a few jobs like a nanny or nurse. That was "women's work." The family I was a nanny for had two children. Their mother had become very ill and recently passed away. one day the father came home drunk. It was late I had already put the kids to sleep. When he got home I grabbed my coat and was going to walk the mile back to my house. On my way out the door he grabbed my arm. I tried to get free but it was impossible. He pulled me into the house through me on the floor and raped me. After that I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't eat, and I freaked out at every unexpected touch." Gloria explained. "How did you get over it?" Claire questioned eggier for imformation. "I realized that by living like this I was letting him win. I decided that he couldn't ruin my life. I never truly got over it, you never will. However, you have to find a way to live with it." Gloria informed Claire. "Thank you." Claire said with a smile and a new perspective. "If you want to talk I'm always here. But now I am going to let you be with your kids." Gloria replied returning a smile. She got up and walked out of the room proudly knowing she had help Claire.

Haley, Alex, and Luke all came in Claire's room and sat in the chairs by her bed. For the first time since all of this happened Claire felt something. Something she couldn't put a name on, but when her kids told her that they loved her she knew. It was hope. Hope that things would be better. Hope that they could put this behind them. Hope that her assailant would go to jail forever. Hope that life would return to normal. More than anything hope that she would win.

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