Chapter 12: Family

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Phil knew what he had to do. Call Claire's family. How could he tell them their daughter or sister was raped? How do you tell someone that? Phil called Mitchell, Claire's brother, first. "Hello" Mitchell said as he answered the phone. "You need to come to the hospital. Claire's been in an accident." Phil stated emotionless. "Oh my god! Is she going to be alright?!?!" Mitchell asked in shock. "We don't know yet," Phil said feeling even more numb. "I'm on my way" Mitchell answered. They hung up. Now it was time for Phil to make the most difficult phone call he would ever make. He had to call Claire's dad, Jay. Phil called Jay and listened to the phone ring. It rang three times until Jay answered. "What do you want?" Jay pouted. Phil waited a minute to reply. He knew when he told Jay what happened his world would be turned upside down. "It's Claire. There's been an accident. You need to come to the hospital." Phil said. "What happened to my baby girl?!!? Is she ok?!?!" Jay demanded. "We don't know. Someone broke into our house and attacked her. He...............raped her Jay." Phil said trying not to cry. "OH MY GOD!! IM GOING TO KILL THE SON OF A BITCH!!! I WILL BE RIGHT THERE!!" Jay screamed.

Fifteen minutes after making the calls Jay arrived. Shortly after Mitchell and his husband Cam came and after them Jays wife Gloria arrived. They talked about Claire and then just made small talk. No one wanted to think about Claire right now, to bad that's all anyone could think about. They were all worried that she was going to die.

As they were talking a doctor came into the room and said "Claire Dunfey's family." All of them shot up eager for information.

The doctor eased everyone's mind by letting them know Claire was fine. Well for now that is. She was out of surgery and when she wakes up she can have one visiter at a time.

It wasn't good enough for everyone to hear Claire was fine they wanted to see it, especially Phill. He saw the bruises. He just couldn't imagine the hell Claire went through. The doctor said that she would be fine, but that's only physically. Mentally she was a mess. Phill didn't know if she'd ever be her old self again.

2 hours later

A slim brunette doctor walked into the room. She walked over to Claire's family and told them one of them can see her now. Jay stood up and firmly stated "I'm going first." Everyone knew better then to question this.

The doctor escorted Jay to Claire's room. He was taken back when he walked in the room. His baby girl was hocked up to machines, she had bruises everywhere. He felt a tear form in his eye. Claire opened her eyes half way and whispered "Daddy?" "Yes I'm here honey" Jay said as he walked over to her bed and grabbed her hand. It broke Jays heart to see his little girl like this. She looked so hopeless. He didn't understand why someone would do this. What kind of monster would hurt my baby like this? Jay thought. Jay held his daughters hand lightly because he was afraid of hurting her. She looked fragile. He whispered "Don't worry, everything is going to be ok." "No it's not. Everyone is in danger! My babies! Even you!" Claire answered. She spoke forcefully but not very loud because she was still quite weak. "Clam down. I will protect your family, I promise. I don't want you worrying about me, just concentrate on getting better." Jay said in a strong and reassuring voice. After that the doctor came back and told Jay he had to leave. Jay got up kissed his daughters forehead and whispered "I love you. I promise, don't worry." then left. He was very worried about his daughters mental state. He knew she was raped but he still could get over the fact the when he kissed her bye she squirmed away from him. It made him wonder if she would ever be the same strong loving women she was before.

After what felt like forever the doctors allowed one more visiter. Phil could finally see his wife. Phil didn't know what to expect but need to see Claire and couldn't wait another second.

Phil walked into Claire's room and said "Hi babe, How are you feeling?" Claire look pissed and Phil knew this wasn't going to be pretty. "Shut up! How am I feeling?!? Well pretty shitty! You did risk MY children's lives!! He is going to hurt them now!!" Claire used all her strength and YELLED. "I saved your life!" Phil interrupted "If I didn't call the cops then you would have bleed to death! Then OUR children would be without a mother! Is that better for them?!?" "Maybe it is." Claire whispered. "What??? No it's not! Claire they need you!" Phil said quite loud. He would shocked and scared to hear his wife talk like that. A few doctors came running in to get Phil out. All of this stress was causing her blood pressure to rise. Right before Phil got kicked out he said "I love you and they children will be safe." As he left Claire realized how lucky she was. She didn't want to admit it but she realized that it's a good thing that Phil got her in the hospital. But what brought a smile to her face was that both her father and husband promised to keep her children safe.

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