Chapter 11: Whats Going On?

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"Everything is going to be ok" Phil reassured Claire. Claire's whole world started moving in slow motion. She heard three beeps when Phil dialed each number. She was trembling and felt numb. How could this happen? What went wrong? Claire barely heard Phil talking to the operator. Although, one phrase she heard loud and clear. "My wife has been raped." It's such an ugly sentence. Raped. She was raped. Twice. A single tear fell. Claire felt it roll across her cheak. All of a sudden Claire realized something. The police will come. She will go to the hospital. Her children will know what happened. Her parents. Her brother. Would they think any different of her? Would they think she is weak?

The paramedics came and Claire was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Nobody noticed till Claire was in the ambulance but Claire had an extensive amount of vaginal bleeding.

10 minutes earlier

Haley was the first one to hear the sirens. As soon as she realized it stopped in her driveways she told her sister, who had headphones on. Alex was aggravated she had a next the next day and wanted to study all night. "What do you want." she barked at her sister. "There is an ambulance at our house!" Haley said full of worry. "What?" Alex said in a confused tone. They both got out of their room and saw paramedics carrying a stretcher with their mother on it. "What the hell happened?" Haley asked. All Phil could bring himself to say was she was hurt get your brother and get in the car we are going to the hospital.

Phil rode in the ambulance with his wife. He held her hand tightly. He was a afraid that if he let go he would lose her.

After the ambulance arrived at the hospital Claire went into surgery because she was bleeding interally. Phil sat down in a chair in the waiting room. He kept taping his fingers. He was so nerves. Is she going to be ok? Will she live? After a few minutes of mental torture the kids arrived. They all ran to their father and hugged him tight. "What happened?" Haley asked. "Someone broke into the house. He attacked your mother." Phil softly said. "Is mama going to die?" Luke said with tears in his eyes. He let them all fall and his father held him tight. Phil didn't want to answer because he didn't know how. "I hope not," Phil whispered. He honestly didn't know and didn't want to lie to his son.

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