Chapter 1

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It was the first of September. A young boy of eleven sat on the train, he was alone in his carriage and sat engrossed in a book that was titled the standard book of potions, he was pale and skinny, but he was tall for his age, his name was Sherlock Holmes and he was going to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

As the train sped by lakes and forests and over rivers, Sherlock barely acknowledged the world, he was interested to hear there was ever a world more than the one he knew. He knew that he wasn't ordinary, but he'd never been able to explain it, whenever signs showed of him being different he was called names such as "weirdo" and "freak", so he learnt to bottle up his emotions and hide himself away from the world, he had never had a single friend in his life and he saw no reason for one, he didn't want to take rejection once they knew he was more than an ordinary boy.

As he read, his long black curls hung over his eyes, like a mask, hiding him from view of the world, he didn't want to be noticed, but it was hard not to stand out when everything you did was far from ordinary, he could look at someone and know where they had been and why they were there. this wasn't magic, it was just that what most people saw as nothing, he used to put together an answer that everyone else wouldn't even notice. But this was the life as Sherlock Holmes, the boy who could see everything.

He was already halfway through his book, memorizing potions as he went, he loved reading and learning new things, storing them away in his mind, he called it his mind palace, a maze of rooms and corridors that he guided himself through, memories stored and hidden from everyone else's sight.

Like everyone else however Sherlock had brought a pet, some people brought toads, some cats, Sherlock brought an owl, a black owl, he'd decided  to call the owl Blackbeard, and the owl had become his only company, he had an older brother, mycroft, but he didn't bother with Sherlock and vice versa. Sherlock had never been one for friends, he was independent and alone, and he felt emotions were a weakness so he'd long since become inhuman.

There's was a knock at the carriage compartment door, but Sherlock was still lost in his thoughts, another knock and then a young boy entered, he was shorter than Sherlock but he was strong built with broad shoulders, his hair blonde.
"Um, could I possibly, um, could I sit here" said the blonde boy gesturing at the seat opposite Sherlock, Sherlock didn't answer so the boy sat down and decided to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm John. John Watson." Said John holding out his hand to Sherlock, Sherlock finally looked up and nodded his head at John. After a while though, giving in, he shook Johns hand.

"Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes."

John didn't quite understand why this boy was so unsociable or even why he was so arrogant, but he felt himself smirking all the same, Sherlock looked up again and taking in John's appearance, he began to talk.

"So you never knew either?"

"Knew what"

"That you were a wizard, a person with magical capabilities"

"No, how did you know"

"I didn't know. I saw"

John looked baffled and Sherlock rolled his eyes, not caring to explain, but decided against his thoughts, "from the second you walked through the door, I saw that you have a constant look of surprise on your face, this showed me that your not used to all of this, it is a new experience, it is a new experience because you are it born in a  wizarding family, so muggle born it is then, your eyes are also bloodshot from your lack of sleep the night before because you were restless, therefore as you can see I saw, I did not know. You seem surprised "

John was bewildered, it was all true, "that's amazing--- how--- wow." Sherlock smiled.

"That's not what people usually say"

"What do they usually say?"

"I'd rather not go into detail, but freak has been a popular one throughout my life"

"Oh, but why? that's incredible!" Said John, he couldn't understand why someone would be so cruel to him.

The train rumbled on and they sat in silence for a while, Sherlock had continued to be lost on his thoughts and began feeding Blackbeard little tit-bits from his sandwich, John noticed that Sherlock had actually not eaten any of the sandwich himself, "why arnt you eating?"

"Not hungry. Wait, what day is it?"

"Sunday, why?"

"Oh I should be fine for a while."

"You mean to tell me you haven't eaten at all today?"

"I am a brain John, my body is just a mere appendix"

John began to worry for Sherlock, but he didn't want to get to involved as it was only their first day, John still knew nothing of Sherlock but somehow Sherlock already knew everything about John and his life.

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