Chapter 7

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After a few months in hogwarts, Sherlock and John had become close friends, and spent all their time together, varying from ravenclaw table to gryffindor over lunch and breakfast, people had begun talking to Sherlock but only slightly, the odd "hello" very so often. Sherlock decided to take john to the ravenclaw common room because then he could be alone with his thoughts but also have john as company to offer ideas and suggestions whenever he found something interesting.

John didn't think that he'd be allowed to go in, but naturally Sherlock had done research and knew from previous students that there was no rule against it, so he lead john to the statue of the eagle and answered its question and then it let him in, john following closely behind.

Sherlock went up to the dormitory and fetched his violin out of his suitcase, he hadn't played in a while and was feeling restless because of it, he found it calming and it relaxed his mind. He walked back down the steps two at a time and found john sat at the fire on the far corner, so went over to join him.

"So are you any good?" Asked John.


"At playing the violin"

"I'm neither the best nor the worst, I just find it keeps my mind at rest, if I don't shut down sometime by brain won't funtion, my mind is like a rocket stuck on the launch pad tearing itself to shreds."

"Oh, well I might as well get some work done, professor snapes set us some today, something to do with a potion called poly juice potion, I thinks that's right." John cut off lost in thought and Sherlock lifted the violin up to his neck, his chin fitting the groove of the violin neatly, and then whipped out his bow from beside him and began to play, he played quickly at first, but then began to slow down, to a more relaxed and peaceful note. John watched in fascination as his long fingers curved the bow so that it made a song.

Sherlocks eyes were closed as he played and john tried to get his work done, his mind slowly drifting, Sherlock finally stopped and john came back to earth, "that was amazing! You should be a performer!", Sherlock wasn't used to flattery and didn't know how to react so he stayed silent and looked at the ground.

It wasn't long before the ravenclaw room started to fill and john decided he better leave. Sherlock packed his violin under his bed and went to walk with john back to gryffindor tower, they wandered past the library, up the stairs and through several corridors where Sherlock finally farewelled John and headed back to his house.

As Sherlock headed back he began mumbling to himself, he was rather enjoying his time at hogwarts, and didn't want it to end.


Later next day they had transfiguration together, professor mcgonagall, head of gryffindor house, walked to the front of the class.

"Good afternoon class, today you will be learning to transfigure the toads in front of you into an item of clothing, shouldn't be too difficult for you." She glanced in sherlocks direction and he let himself have a small smile, john however was lost in his tracks again, a sheep that had lost its flock.

Sherlock sighed, he let john have a few attempted at his own, In this time Sherlock has turned his toad to a tie, a hairpin, a shoe and then finally a deep navy blue grey coloured scarf, he didn't know what made him think of it, but he couldn't resist the urge to take it in his hands. He held the scarf close up to his face, it smelled warm and felt soft and fuzzy, he stroked the tightly knotted wool and was instantly in love with it. He folded it in half, and then hooked it over his neck, smoothly gliding the loose ends through the loop.

"Where'd you get that?" John had looked up from his work, his toad was still seeming unfazed by Johns crude attempts at transfiguration.

"I just transfigured my toad into it like we was meant to do. Anyway why'd you ask?" Said Sherlock, curious.

"Fantastic!" He mumbled out.

"What did you say?"

"It's fantastic, that, what you did there, amazing."

"John it's a simple enough spell"

"Well I can't bloody do it and you can, typical as usual" he said it in a matter-of-fact kind of way but he was smiling and Sherlock smiling back. "You should keep that scarf you know, suits you, brings out your eyes."

"Thanks." Said Sherlock, "you know, I might keep it, it's my house colour after all."

So that was the day Sherlock added a new item to his already eccentric character, along with his long black cloak, with the blue lining it suited him well, and when he saw himself, he agreed.

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