Chapter 22

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They got to kings cross after a while of loading the car and driving the way there. They spoke about what they planned to do in the new school year and what lessons they were going to have.

When they reached the station they raced through the platform pillar and onto the train in fear of missing the train, they waved a hasty goodbye to mrs Watson on the platform as the train began to move.

They sat down in their compartment that they'd managed to get to themselves. They sat down opposite each other, Sherlock seemingly recovered from the previous night and his broken ribs. He sat there absorbed in a book but yet also happy to join into conversation whenever it occurred.

The trolley lady soon came by with a variety of treats as usual, john and Sherlock bought some fuzzing whizbees and Bertie botts every flavour beans.

"Just like when we met" john laughed.

"Yeah, still my favorites" Sherlock smiled.

They shared the whizbees and beans and then went to talking about school again, John said how he hoped he would be able to get onto the gryffindor team and pointed out how he thought Sherlock would make a good seeker to which he laughed at the thought, not considering himself agile enough for the game.

They soon pulled up to the station where they hopped off and got into a carriage together to get the lift to the castle.

"Do you know that they don't pull themselves but are actually pulled by thestrals which can only be seen by those who have seen death" Sherlock told John.

"That's pretty cool, see this is why having a friend in ravenclaw is awesome" John stated.

They made their way into the castle and sat at their tables, Sherlock already becoming increasingly bored.

The first years then entered looking petrified as they followed mcgonagall to the front, the sorting ceremony took about half an hour and Sherlock had been in his mind palace the whole time, trying to find something to keep him entertained.

Then there was Dumbledores speech and then the food arrived and Sherlock chose against eating, until he saw John looking at him, so he put a large mouthful of toast into his mouth with a sarcastic smile and a fake thumbs up.

They then were allowed to leave the tables and head to their towers, john waved at Sherlock as they parted ways and headed to their dormitories. Sherlock got to ravenclaw and then got into pajamas and went to sleep.

They were given their timetables until he morning whilst having breakfast and turned out they had potions, herbology, charms and then flying lessons. John had joined Sherlock at his table and got all excited when he read about flying lessons that day, nudging Sherlock's arm and pointing at his parchment.

Mcgonagall soon came by too to check if Sherlock was alright after the incident yesterday, and john and him both reassured her that everything was fine. She awarded them both five house points for their bravery and contribution to helping the public people getting them both a cheer when they saw the hourglasses fill up with stones.

So when breakfast was over they headed to potions where they were greeted by professor snape striding through the dungeons that Sherlock had learnt to love and john had learned to fear.

They then created a perfect potion of amortentia which to Sherlock smelt like book pages and danger and to john smelt like jam and green grass. Snape was impressed and surprisingly awarded them both five points each.

They then headed off to herbology which Sherlock got bitten by a bowtruckle and flung it into a nearby tree where they could no longer continue feeding it because they had lost it. John laughed at sherlocks misfortune then somehow managed to produce a plaster from nowhere which he wrapped tightly around sherlocks bleeding finger.

They headed off to dinner once the lesson had finished and John sat with Sherlock again, and practically spoonfed him so that he would definitely eat his food. They then headed to the library where they read more books and gradually grew bored, they had charms next and so headed to the classroom.

When professor flitwick entered the classroom the class became silent in the tension of what they were to do today. They were to learn a water summoning charm so they set to work whispering 'aguamenti' all except Sherlock who successfully managed it without uttering a word, he had become very talented with non verbal spells, his wand never ceasing to please him.

Finally they had they're flying lesson and they all stood on alone next to rooms that lay on the floor, Sherlock and john looked at each other they're eyes smiling.

"Aftrnooon class! Today you will be learning to fly a broom!" She smiled at the class with excited eyes, "I want you to stand by your broom, hold out your dominant arm and say 'up'"

At that John and Sherlock did as was told and both simultaneously said "up" johns broom didn't respond straightaway but sherlocks was straight into his hand, he could feel the power held within it, a source of energy that he didn't want to let go. John looked at Sherlock once his broom was in his hands and could see Sherlock with a huge smile spread across his face, John never knew Sherlock would like it this much.

They were then told to mount the brooms and Sherlock did it very angelically as if he weighed the same as a feather.

"I then want you to kick off from the ground and hover for a bit then touch back down" she commanded.

Sherlock and john looked at each other again both genuinely excited, they both nodded to each other and then kicked off from the ground. They hovered perfectly and then gently touched back down, Sherlock looked as though he had been doing his for years.

They were applauded by the teacher and then were told that they were allowed to fly about the quidditch pitch. So Sherlock and john both took off again laughing heartily as their hair caught in the breeze.

Sherlock was quick and agile in the air even though the broom he used was old and tired, he swerved through the goal hoops and when it came to landing he hopped off like a fox, john laughed as he chased Sherlock, snaking in between the poles and hoops. He also landed well requiring little skill.

"So, it would seem that you are actually very good on a broom" john pointed out.

"I wouldn't say good, but that felt brilliant, I've never felt so free!" Sherlock exclaimed still excited and happy with new found skill.

"Your so agile" john said in awe, "you need to sign up for the quidditch team, even if we're against each other it will still be fun."

"You know, for once I think your right, I think I'm gonna sign up for it, maybe seeker?" Sherlock said fantasizing about what he hoped would be.

"I'm gonna try for beater because I feel like I'd be good at that" john said as they walked back up to the castle.

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