Chapter 28

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They then headed back indoors to get changed into dry clothes, Sherlock had given up trying to find a jumper so sat down in the cold room shivering.

"Here, take this" john said handing him a large woolen ball. Sherlock unfolded it to reveal a large cream knitted jumper. "Come on, put it on, you'll catch your death otherwise"

Sherlock held the jumper in his hands and stared at it, john then took it out of his hands and pulls it over Sherlocks head. His arms then guided his through the jumper sleeves until he was wearing it properly, still holding Johns hands.

They then let go and John moved over to the fire, he muttered a spell and it began to roar in flames. Sherlock huddled up with his knees on the sofa and john soon joined him. They sat with their backs against each other, trust that the other one would hold them up.

Sherlock shivered again and John held Sherlocks back and turned it so he would lean against the sofa back. He then checked Sherlocks temperature and felt that he was burning hot.

"You've got a fever" John explained, holding his hand under sherlocks shirt and feeling his heartbeat through his chest and then the pulse in his neck.

"I do hate to be ill, ruins all my fun" Sherlock whined.

"Well it can't last long, if your still not better tomorrow we'll head to the hospital wing, they might have something" John assured him, moving his damp curls from his forehead.

"Thankyou doctor Watson" Sherlock said with a smile. He then began to cough, it was a harsh cough that made his ribs ache and chest felt like he was being stabbed.

John rushed over to him instantly, rubbing his spine through his jumper and holding Sherlock close to him. Sherlocks face was flushed and he felt weak and tired.

Sherlock leaned into him and John sat next to him, stroking his hair out of his eyes. The fire crackled and popped and Sherlock laid back with his head on Johns lap. "I'll look after you" John said gently.

"But it's your birthday" Sherlock protested.

"Yes but caring for you is my first priority" john assured him.

Sherlock snuggled into Johns jumper and soon fell asleep. John stayed there with him gently rubbing his shoulder and checking if he was breathing steadily and that his heart rate was steady.

Sherlock soon woke in a panicked frenzy and john held him close to him until he calmed down and rested his head in the crook of Johns neck. John kept his arms around him and placed his coat over Sherlock to keep him warm.

Sherlock woke early next morning to see John looking down at him, he lifted his head but it felt heavy so he rested it back on Johns chest.

"Hospital wing it is then?" John said gently.

"Where are we?" Sherlock asked his head aching and his face burning.

"Gryffindor common room" John told him, "now come on, we need to go to the hospital wing and get you fixed up"

Sherlock tried to sit up and john gently helped him until he was sat up by himself, John then stood up and helped Sherlock to his feet.

Sherlock looked down at himself and saw that he was wearing his black jeans, purple shirt and Johns jumper. His shoes were on the floor and he tried to pull them on but then nearly fell because of the sudden movement causing him to become dizzy.

John held him up and guided him to a chair. He then knelt down in front of him and pulled on his shoes for him and tied the laces. Sherlock watched john, his vision blurred and weak.

"Come on then" john said gently, taking Sherlock by his underarms and lifting him to his feet. Sherlock staggered and john pulled his arm over his shoulder and they walked to the hospital wing.

They soon got there and john found an empty bed which he lifted Sherlock onto. He then ran off to fetch madam pomfrey so that she could hopefully find a cure for Sherlocks fever. Madam pomfrey came through in a nightgown and explained that Sherlock would have to stay a couple of days because there was no cure for fever except rest.

"So I'm going to need my doctor with me then?" Sherlock laughed lightly, causing himself to cough again.

"Try not to talk to much, yeah?" John said gently patting his back.

"Thanks John" Sherlock said leaning into him.

"Right I'm going to get you something to eat, I'll be back in a bit" john told him.

Sherlock nodded and john left the room. He stayed there as John had told him to do and began to fiddle with the blanket that he was tucked underneif.

John soon returned with a plateful of food including sandwiches and assorted foods. He laid them on the table next to john and told him to take what he wanted. Sherlock chose a cucumber sandwich and ate it slowly. When he was finished he thanked John and then went to laying in his bed.

He hated it here, it felt cold and lonely, and he knew John would have to leave at some point.

John nudged him gently and Sherlock looked up, john had brought a chocolate bar with him and offered it to Sherlock. Sherlock took a few pieced and ate them slowly, conscious of john watching him.

"You'll have to leave soon" Sherlock said sadly.

"Doesn't mean I won't sneak back" john said with a sneaky smile.

"You'd get in trouble if you were caught" Sherlock pointed out.

"For you, I don't mind" john said gently.

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