Chapter 31

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Sherlock and john had breakfast and then headed off to defense against the dark arts, they waited outside the classroom to be let in and then took their place in a corner of the room where they whispered as the teacher talked.

They were then set the task to disarm their opponent in what ever way they wished. John and Sherlock paired up and faced each other from either end of the room. Sherlock drew his wand quickly from behind his back, swung his arm forward whilst holding his other hand out in front of himself fingers spread, he cast a spell quickly and john quickly reacted so that sherlocks wand went flying out of his hand and he became frozen in a look of shock.

They were both shocked by Johns quick action and one the spell had been taken off of Sherlock so he could move again he walked up to John and patted him on the shoulder to congratulate him.

"Wow-- that was um- good what you did back there" Sherlock said not sure how to word it.

"Thanks" John said hugging him, "again?"

"Obviously" said Sherlock casting a smile over his shoulder as he headed back to his position.

It was Johns go to cast a spell and he gave Sherlock a thumbs up quickly before he began, he then threw his arm out in front of him and muttered a spell under his breath.

Sherlock was quicker this time and Johns wand flew out of his hand and he found himself pinned up against a wall, Sherlock snaked up to him.

"We're equals now" Sherlock said to John, he then let him down is that he fell onto his knees.

"Shall we have a draw?" John asked smiling.

"It would be my pleasure" Sherlock said with his mouth curling at the corners.

They headed back to their positions and cast a spell at the exact same time, blue projected from sherlocks wand as a fiery red shot out of johns, meeting in the middle. Their hair swept about them as the power caused paper to rustle and fly about, the class stopped and watched as Sherlock and John dueled.

Sherlocks back was arched and his wand arm straight, his other hand, fingers spread, was also out in front of him, slightly bent in front of his face. His cloak blew around behind him and he watched as John held his wand in two hands tightly, his blue eyes locked onto sherlocks. His back was also arched, one foot forward to keep his balance and his hands steady.

They nodded to each other after a few minutes like this and they both broke out of the spell. They then both collapsed onto their knees laughing as the rest of the class looked at them in shock and awe.

The lesson was soon finished and they grabbed their bags and headed to herbology. They were still laughing and out of breath from their duel.

"You know, I wasn't even expecting that!" Sherlock exclaimed once they were in herbology.

"Shh, teachers coming in" John whispered. "True though, I was definitely not expecting to get into a duel with you."

"Why didn't one of us just get the other?" Sherlock said aloud after a while.

"I don't know, guess we really are equals" John said Holling his arm round sherlocks head and messing up his curls.

"Yeah, guess we are, although you might want to let go of me now John or we'll get told off" Sherlock said smiling, John released him and Sherlock stood straight again, a smirk playing on his lips.

They then settled down to do their work which was to harvest bubotuber pus, it was a horrible thing that smelt strongly of petrol. Sherlock got some on his face causing large yellow books to appear on his skin, john got it on his arms and also ended up with several large boils running to his arms.

He and Sherlock then had to head to the hospital wing with several other students to get treatment for their boils.

"Ouch!" John said whilst inspecting his arms.

"Don't touch it, it will only hurt worse" Sherlock said whinging slightly.

"Your face--" John started before Sherlock cut him off.

"I'm fine John" he insisted as john was then called over to be treated.

"Can you do Sherlock first?" John asked madam pomfrey.

"That's kind of you" she said gently as she then beckoned for Sherlock to come over.

He sat down on the bed with his legs over the edge and she put a cream in then which caused them to disappear with a fizzing noise left on his skin, she then wiped it away leaving sherlocks skin looking soft and unscathed. He then waited for john who had his arms sorted and then they left for dinner.

The day wore on and they went to their separate lessons where John had history of magic and Sherlock had divination, he was to be with the slytherins which he knew couldn't possibly go well.

The lesson ended as he expected and he ended up with several of the slytherins cornering him out of the room where they chanted "freak" and "weirdo",
He fell down the steps onto the floor wheee they crowded around him chanting insults at him.

He then felt something hard behind him as he stepped backwards and then a strong voice came from behind him.

"Go now before I hurt you, if you come any closer I will resort to violence. Sherlock has done nothing to you and I'd appreciate it if you leave."

"And what are you, his boyfriend" someone chortled. The rest of the slytherins laughed.

Someone stood up closer to Sherlock and pushed him in the chest, sending him backwards so he landed into John.

"I warned you, don't touch him!" John shouted before punching then hard in the stomach. Someone came to join in but John hit them hard in the face.

They fell back and started to retreat as john cornered them, threatening them by pulling out his wand and pointing it at one of the slytherins throats.

"No! Don't point that at me!"

"Apologize" John hissed.

"S--sorry, I'm sorry!" The slytherin screamed.

"Now go and take your little friends and leave." John threatened them.

John then turned around and pocketed his wand helping Sherlock to his feet. Sherlock was paler than usual, fear in his eyes as he looked at the floor.

"You okay?" John said gently taking sherlocks shoulder.

"Yeah um fine" Sherlock said stuttering, "that was um--good-- what you um-- offered to do back there"

"Your not fine Sherlock, why did they do that to you?" John asked.

"I don't know, I just know stuff and they hate me for it" Sherlock said his eyes tearing up.

"I don't hate you for it, I think it's Brilliant." John said taking Sherlocks other shoulder.

"And that's why your my friend" Sherlock said a slight smile creeping up his face. John pulled him into a tight hug and stroked his back.

"I won't let them hurt you" John told him sternly, but muffled by Sherlock neck. Sherlock chuckled slightly at this and hugged John tighter.

"Thankyou" Sherlock said his voice cracking slightly in a mixture of happiness and sadness.

"It's fine Sherl, besides your my best friend and nobody's gonna stop that" john assured him.

Sherlock smiled and pulled away from John, "dinner?"

"Starving" john replied as they headed off to the great hall.

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