Chapter 24

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As they walked towards hogsmeade Sherlock practically bounced with excitement. It began to rain and the cold air sent shivers down his spine, it was two months roughly until johns birthday but he had a plan that could only be done today.

They got into hogsmeade and decided to look in zonkos where there were toy brooms whizzing about the shop and copies of snitches that could be held without flying away. They went through the shop, curious of the peculiar things that hung around their heads.

They soon went into spintwitches where they saw the newest editions of brooms and quidditch gear in the window. Sherlock noticed that john was particularly entranced by the new nimbus 2000, it was a perfectly polished handle with gold banding, it was a limited edition version with a fire pattern printed onto the handle.

Whilst john was distracted Sherlock went up to the counter and asked how much, he could easily afford it because he came from a wealthy family, he ordered one to be delivered on march 31st which was johns birthday. He then caught back up with John.

"Where did you go?" John asked.

"Looking at the new firebolt, it's actually quite astonishing that something that beautiful can be made by hand."

"Okay, so where to now?" John asked with a smile on his face.

"Butterbeer?" Sherlock asked with a smirk.

"I'm paying" John said sternly.

"Okay Doc" said Sherlock doing a bugs bunny impression and causing them both to laugh till there ribs ached.

They went into the hogshead and john bought two butterbeers, they frothed and fizzed and they finished them with gusto. Sherlocks chuckled to himself, john unknowing of his sneaky plan.

"What are you laying at?" John asked laughing also.

"It's just been a nice day" Sherlock said simply.

"It has hasn't it, fancy going honeydukes?" John asked

"Yup" Sherlock said, making the 'p' pop, and then jumping into his coat as he pulled it over his shoulders and then pulling on his scarf.

They heard back outside, it was no longer raining but instead was hailing down heavily.

"Ouch" john said as he tried to cover his head with his hands.

"Hold on" Sherlock said pulling out his wand and producing an umbrella using his wand as the handle. He motioned for john to come closer and they shared the umbrella on the way to honeydukes, the rushed inside, the door bell tinkled as they walked in. Sherlock had undone the umbrella charm and they began to scan the shelves.

They soon had a bag of confectionary which Sherlock put into his coat pockets. They left the shop and noticed the hail had stopped and was back to rain again, Sherlock did the umbrella change again and they sheltered on the way back up to hogwarts.

When they had got through the large school doors, they raced back to ravenclaw common room, their clothes dripping with water. They soon made their way into the common room where Sherlock pulled out his wand and made them dry instantly.

He looked over at john who was dripping wet, he laughed and then pointed his wand at John who flinched momentarily as his clothes began to dry and warm his cool skin.

"How do you seem to know every spell under the sun?" John asked amazed.

"Reading mostly, I do my own research instead of waiting for school to teach me at their slow pace" Sherlock explained.

"And the fact your as clever as they get" John pointed out.

Sherlock once again made a hot chocolate with his wand for john but decided to make himself a coffee. Black two sugars just as he liked it.

John and Sherlock drank and then Sherlock began to grow bored. When they were finished he pulled on his coat again and gestured for john to follow, he gave John his spare coat which hung down near his ankles unlike Sherlock who's hung down around his shins. He then looked back at john and figured a scarf would be a good idea so produced a ravenclaw scarf from his suitcase which John put in his neck.

They left the common room and snaked down the stairs back outside into the cold, they headed over to the broom shed where the brooms were kept and Sherlock unlocked the door with a simple spell, and took out two of the most undamaged brooms.

"Sherlock we will get caught" john insisted.

"Not if we're careful" Sherlock pointed out, "anyway it's not really breaking any rules when all we're doing is practicing for the game"

"True" john said taking one of the brooms Sherlock was holding and getting in it, Sherlock did the same.

"Wanna race?" Sherlock asked.


"Alright, to the hoops and back again, on your marks, get set, go!"

They took off from the ground and leaned forward, their brooms propelling them towards the hoops, Sherlock knelt in further and flattened his body against the broom, his hair whipping in the wind, he was neck and neck with John.

He gradually passed John and tuned his broom into the sky, so that e went upside down and swept back over John heading the other way, john was soon on his tail though and joked by nudging him with his shoulder causing Sherlock to nudge back. They got back to the shed and discovered they didn't even know who had won.

"Right maybe we're equals at this then" Sherlock laughed.

He then took off and went into the sky, John following him, once they were level with the astronomy tower, they nodded to each other, and then both dived racing to the ground, and then skimming it with inches between and racing towards the goal hoops.

After a while they touched back down next to the shed, they were both running on adrenaline as they made their way back up to the castle.

"Did the hat get stuck when it came to putting you in a house?" John asked whilst they were making their way up the staircase.

"It thought slytherin but then couldn't decide between slytherin, gryffindor and ravenclaw, I don't think hufflepuff ever crossed its mind."

"So your kind of divergent then, like that book" John laughed.

"Guess I am, yes" Sherlock laughed.

"It would be cool if you were in gryffindor" John said with a sigh.

"Yeah, but I'm not brave, I just stay out of everyone's way, my best weapon is what I can see"

"They don't bother me" John assured him.

"Well the only way I'd ever be considered a gryffindor now is if I were to use polyjuice potion and disguise my self as one, maybe one day" Sherlock thought out loud.

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