Chapter 32

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Sherlock and John became even closer friends after that incident and john swore to look after him. Ravenclaw had their first match against slytherin the next day and so Sherlock changed and headed to the pitch, the best of the school brooms that he could find.

"Sherlock take mine" John said running up to him carrying his mimbus.

"No, this games important" john told him, "you need to win this"

"John that broom is for you" Sherlock tried to tell him before having the broom handed to him quickly and john running towards one of the stands.

Sherlock sighed and then mounted the broom and hovered off the ground waiting for the match to begin. The whistle blew and Sherlock began to seek out the snitch, he hovered above the match and watched as the commentator spoke below and the crowd cheered as slytherin got a goal.

The wind was whipping at his hair and his cloak flew behind him tangling in the breeze. He caught sight of something golden whiz by him. He began to weave through the players as a bludger swept by his head, the crowd gasped at this but Sherlock continued to weave in and out of the players. The other seeker began to catch up with him not having yet seen the snitch but instead following Sherlock hoping to catch sight of it. Sherlock reached out his hand and ducked down as the quaffle passed over his head, he changed direction suddenly as the snitch did skimming the flags on the stands. He then closed his hand around the snitch, the wings fluttering wildly between his fingers, he led it onto the air and the crowd cheered and screamed, slytherin booed.

Sherlock touched down and was greeted by an ecstatic john who cheered him and picked him up onto his shoulders so that everyone could see him and congratulate him. Sherlock blushed and held onto the snitch in his hand and John with the other. The ravenclaw gathers round them and john walked Sherlock around on his shoulders making Sherlock blush because of all the attention.

Afterwards they headed to ravenclaw common room where they celebrated, Sherlock sticking with John the entire time. He received pats on the back and propel cheered his name but he wasn't to keen on all the attention so after a while him and John headed to gryffindor common room instead where they looked in surprise at john who was wearing a ravenclaw scarf and Sherlock who was also wearing one.

"Well done on beating slytherin!" someone said to him shaking his hand.

"Th--Thanks" Sherlock mumbled. They were soon left alone though and John gave Sherlock another hug in his excitement and then held him back checking he was okay.

"Did you get any injuries at all?" John asked him.

"No I'm good" Sherlock smiled.

"Good, but if your hurt I'm always here as your personal doctor" john laughed.

They then went back onto the pitch now it was dark and john brought out his broom where he got on and told Sherlock to get on the back.

He did as he was told and held onto Johns waist, nuzzling his chin into the crook in Johns neck, john turned to look at him and smiled, he then pulled off from the ground and looped around, Sherlock jokingly let go, holding onto john with his legs and holding out his arms to their full wingspan, he then held on again when john tilted the broom up and they went above the clouds where the sun was hid and felt the warmth on their faces.

"Hi" said John lifting his head back to look at Sherlock.

"Hello, fancy seeing you here" Sherlock laughed.

"I know right!" John laughed again, "okay so I was thinking about diving, but how are you feeling about that?" John asked cautiously.

"I think I'll be okay" Sherlock replied.

"How about you sit at the front instead but i control the broom still?" John asked.

"Hm, okay." Sherlock said then hooking his arms around Johns neck and gently passing over the side of john so that he was then sat in front of him.

"Stop being so obnoxiously agile" john jokes poking him in the back gently.

"Nope" Sherlock said tilting his head back into john who pulled a face at him causing him to laugh.

"Right you ready" said John looking over sherlocks shoulder, Sherlock nodded and so john held the broom with his arms around sherlocks waist at the same time and tilted towards the ground where they raced down, sherlocks hair gently waving into Johns face.

They both laughed and then Sherlock quickly grabbed onto Johns arms as he felt them getting closer to the ground, Sherlock started to become weaker and felt himself becoming faint, john held him tighter round the waist, taking one hand off the broom to wrap it round the now unconscious Sherlock and using the other to control the broom so that they swept the ground and then touched down.

John then held Sherlock against him and gently shook him so that he would regain consciousness. "Sherly you okay?"

Sherlocks eyes fluttered open, they were blue and green and grey and he noticed john looking down at him. He had clasped his hand to Johns school robes with his hand and his head was supported in Johns arm, his other arm wrapped around his waist.

"You okay?" John asked him gently.

"Yeah, got you haven't I?" Sherlock chuckled, john chuckled too at this and they sat there laughing, part suspended in the air with Sherlock leaning in to johns chest holding onto his jumper.

Sherlock sat up after a while and decided to try to stand on the broom much to johns worry and amusement. He managed to stand and balanced his feet on the broom in front of John.

"Sherlock what are you doing?" He laughed.

"Bored" Sherlock said simply.

"Okay, I'm joining you" John told him and before Sherlock could protest john had his feet on the broom and was steadying himself as he stood. He held onto sherlocks shoulders and they looked into each others eyes, their gazes locking.

"What are you doing john?" Sherlock asked holding Johns arms who then held onto sherlocks.

"Keeping an eye on you" John told him.

"Good" said Sherlock and then he pulled John off he broom with him onto the floor where they lay there laughing the broom fallen to the floor near their feet. They lay there for a while without moving, and the stars stood over their heads twinkling down at them.

"Look that's the milkyway " Sherlock told him pointing at the constellations.

"I thought you hated astronomy"

"Oh I do, but you mention things and I became interested" Sherlock told him.

"I tell you one thing and you remember it?" John asked surprised.

"Of course i remember, this is you we're talking about" Sherlock laughed, "I remember everything about you"

"Really Sherlock because that's the same for you as well" John said gently.

Sherlock and John stayed under the stars talking for a while until they decided to go back indoors and finish up for the day.

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