Chapter 33

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The next quidditch match was to be gryffindor against slytherin, Sherlock wished John good luck and then waved to him over his shoulder as he ran to the stands to watch.

Once he was in the stands he began to search John out in the crowd of players, his eyes soon found him hovering in the sunlight with the wind dancing around him. Sherlock smiled at John as the whistle blew and the game began.

John raced around the quidditch pitch hitting the bludgers towards the opposing players, Sherlock watched as one of the slytherins shoved into John in the attempt to knock him off, Sherlock gasped but John stayed upright. Sherlock then scowled at the player as he whacked into John again, muttering under his breath threats towards the player.

The game lasted for what felt like forever, Sherlock drawing out his wand just in case as he watched John play. A bludger headed towards the gryffindor seeker which john raced after and hit away as hard as he could.

The game ended when the seeker soon caught sight of the snitch and raced to catch it, once his fingers closed around the golden ball Sherlock cheered till his lungs felt fit to burst, he then raced down the stairs back down to the pitch to congratulate John.

John was out of breath with excitement of the game, he held his nimbus in one hand and was soon using his other to tightly hug Sherlock who had rushed up to him.

"Well done!" Sherlock said laughing at the same time.

"Thanks! Anything to beat slytherin"

"How I hate those conniving snakes" Sherlock spat.

"Well they can't harm you now" john reassured with a hand on sherlocks arm who looked up at him and smiled.

They soon headed back to gryffindor tower where they celebrated the win. John was lucky compared to Sherlock though because he was a beater and not a seeker so he could go by mostly unnoticed.

John and Sherlock stayed in the common room for a while where they celebrated the win, Sherlock was wearing a gryffindor scarf instead of his normal royal blue one and had gained a couple of looks for it but he didn't care.

"Hey your that kid with the violin right? Sherlock is it?" One of the gryffindors asked.

"Yes" Sherlock nodded.

"Can you play it now?" The gryffindor asked.

Sherlock looked into his face which seemed genuine so he nodded his head again. He then went off to fetch his violin from the ravenclaw common room, taking a secret passage so he could get their faster.

He ran up and got his suitcase where his violin was tucked inside and took it out along with his bow. He then raced back through several passages until he reached the portrait of the fat lady.

"Felix felicis!" Sherlock spoke quickly. The women looked at him in surprise and allowed him through. John was waiting for him on the other side of the door.

"Wandered where you'd got to" john chuckled to Sherlock.

Sherlock then stood in a corner of the room and began to play his violin, he was out of anyone's way and where he got lost in his music with his eyes closed.

John watched standing to one side as a gryffindor took out their guitar. It was pale wood and with a red strap that they hooked into their shoulder, they then began to play alongside Sherlock who opened his eyes slowly to look over at the girl with mousse brown hair playing guitar.

They played together for a while until someone began to clap slowly to the beat of the sound, and someone else whistled a tune which floated along with he chords in the air. It was a lovely atmosphere where people danced and drank butterbeer as Sherlock, the girl and the whistler lost themselves in the moment of pure satisfactory music.

The song finished at a climax that went slowly back down till the sound gently died out. They then decided on a song together where Sherlock was chosen to sing.

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two
Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be
It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me

Sherlock looked down to John who was smiling at him, so he smiled back and continued to sing.

You say it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down
I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stuck in that time
When we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise

Some of the gryffindors danced to the song, others sang to it but made no sound, Sherlocks eyes stayed closed throughout the performance as he sang the words to the crowd that had built up.

I'm at a pay phone trying to call home all of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone? Baby, it's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two

If happy ever after still exist
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of it
One more stupid love song I'll be sick

The song became just noise as the only thing heard was his voice and the music but the words drifted by unheard. Everyone was transfixed on the band that had been made, all fitting perfectly into each other's sound like pieces of a puzzle.

The song died away as did the students in the common room, people began to go separate ways and Sherlock decided to pack his violin away as the girl with the guitar complemented his talent and then went off to her dormitory.

John walked up to Sherlock and pulled him into a hug, "I never knew you could sing" john said admirably.

"I can not sing" Sherlock defended.

"You sing beautifully, just accept it and take the compliment" John said nudging him.

"Ow! Okay---Thankyou" Sherlock laughed rubbing his side.

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