chapter 15

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Their first year at hogwarts began to come to an end, and before they knew it, it was their last day. They packed their bags and got the cars back to the hogwarts express down from the castle. They're luggage was transported onto the train and john and sherlock managed to get a compartment to themselves, sitting opposite each other.

"im gonna miss it here" john said.

"me too, but hey, its only a few months."sherlock said to try to add a lighter tone.

"I'll miss you too, but I guess we can write to each other" John said

"Yes, especially now I've got Blackbeard, I haven't really been able to use him because I've had no reason to except the daily prophet."

They traveled on the train for a while, the y talked about their favorite memories of the year and said how they were going to miss each other greatly.

Soon the food trolley cane by and they decided to buy some Bertie botts every flavour beans and some fizzing whizbees that they then shared on the way back.

When they reached the station, they collected their luggage and ran through the barrier to get between platforms nine and ten where they then said goodbye to each other.

"Bye Sherlock." John said giving him a hug.

"Goodbye, john." Said Sherlock.

And then they went their separate ways, Sherlock went towards the road and hailed a cab where he then got the lift back to his house unlike john who met his mother and father on the platform and walked out of the station after the family reunion.

When Sherlock got home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and chucked his luggage down into the corner of his bedroom and then laid back onto his bed and began to read.

It wasn't long until Sherlock received a letter addressed to "William Sherlock Scott Holmes", he let out a sigh at the idea of someone using his first name, but the annoyed expression had left his face once he had opened the letter and saw that it was from John.

Hope you are well and enjoying your summer holiday, if I'm honest it's not that fun back home and I can't wait to see you again, everything's an adventure when I'm with you, even if we're just reading and sat in silence, I miss your violin too, you play such wonderful sounds on it and it's hard to live without it.
Anyway I hope I'll be seeing you soon, maybe you could stay over.
From your friend (best friend ) John
Ps. I hope your eating properly.

When Sherlock had finished the letter he realized he had been smiling and he too missed John. He liked the idea of going to stay over with John just so they could hang out again like at school, he liked the company.

He then remembered the last part and felt guilty that he hadn't eaten for a few days now, not since his breakfast with John. So he walked down the stairs in a sulk where his mother was making pancakes and he sat himself down at the table.

Sherlocks mother then served him three pancakes and drizzled them with lemon and sugar and Sherlock grabbed his fork and forced himself to eat them.

He then went back to his room where he decided to write a reply to johns letter.

Thankyou for the letter, feels weird to say it but yes, I miss you too, I miss out little talks and time together.
I would love to stay over at one point but I'm not sure how you plan to organize that.
Your friend Sherlock (best friend also)
Ps. I ate three pancakes straight after reading your letter, so thankyou for that

Sherlock addressed it to John Watson and then have his letter to Blackbeard who flew out of the open window whilst Sherlock watched him soar, his midnight black feathers against the afternoon sun.

After a few more days, Sherlock became increasingly bored and started another experiment which ended up giving him a severe burn on his left hand, which he bandaged in tissue and tape.

The day after this, Sherlock received another letter from John.

Hello Sherlock, we're coming in our car to pick you up tomorrow and take you to my house, so then you'll be able to stay over the last few weeks of the holidays. I'd recommend packing your school stuff and suitcase so then you'll have your stuff ready for our return to school.
See you tomorrow!

Once Sherlock had read it he pulled out his suitcase and packed some clothes, along with his school robes and books, he then went back to lay on his bed and inspected his hand. It was burnt and swollen and stung badly but Sherlock chose to ignore it, once again covering it in tissue and ended up falling asleep.

He woke early next morning, and went down for breakfast, he told his mother that John was coming to pick him up and that he was gonna stay there for the rest of the holidays. There was a knock at the door and Sherlock went down to see who was at the door.

He opened the door and was greeted by a tight hug from John who was beaming up at him.

"Hey Sherl! We've come to collect you" john said excitedly.

"Hello John." Sherlock said returning the hug.

"Alright I'll help you with your bags, you lead he way." John said and then followed Sherlock.

"I'll be fine, I can manage" insisted Sherlock trying to carry his suitcase and bag. John laughed and then went to grab the suitcase off of him and carried it out to the car outside. Sherlock was mildly impressed, considering john was a head shorter than him, he was actually quite strong, but then he remembered that john had actually carried him to the hospital wing when he had fallen.

He ran after john whilst hooking his bag over his shoulders, where he came out to johns mother sat in the front seat, driving, in a old Volkswagen polo. Once Sherlock and john were seated in the back, they began to catch up with each other and what they'd done as they had been away from each other's company.

The car soon pulled up outside an old Victorian style building, it was somewhere in the north of London, Sherlock then got out with John and went to fetch his suitcase and bag.

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