Chapter 29

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John had to leave when it came to night time and was told to go to his dormitory. Sherlock was left in his bed, where he laid down on his side and pretended to sleep, he shut his eyes, and tried to stifle a cough.

He then felt someone's presence, he kept his eyes shut, not wanting them to notice he was still awake. He then felt something on the end of his bed and he looked up to see what it was. John sat there, looking at his feet.

"John?" Sherlock whispered.

John looked up at Sherlock who was now staring intently at him through the darkness.

"I knew you weren't sleeping" John chuckled, getting up from the bed and walking round to Sherlock. He rested his hand on sherlocks forehead and felt his temperature. He was still hot but not as bad as the night before.

"How're you feeling?" John asked.

"Alright I guess"

John felt Sherlocks heart with his cold hand against Sherlocks skin, Sherlock gasped at the sudden coldness. He was still wearing Johns jumper from the night before.

"Oh, your jumper" Sherlock said as he began to pull it off, halfway pulling it off, john grabbed his hands and guided the jumper back down his body.

"No!" John said sternly, "you need to stay warm"

Sherlock sighed but nuzzled back into the jumper, it smelt like john, a mix of biscuits and battenburg, it smelt like safety and warmth.

John sat down next to him and Sherlock made room for John to lay down next to him, john put his arm round Sherlock and pulled him close. "I'll make sure you get better, I'm not leaving 'till you can leave with me" john said to reassure him.

Sherlock leaned into Johns body and rested his head on Johns chest, he felt better when he was with him. The cold seemed to disappear to be replaced with warmth. John stroked his hair and played with his curls, until Sherlock fell asleep.

In the morning they both woke up, Sherlock was holding onto Johns tshirt and his head was nuzzled into Johns side. John watched him sleeping his eyelashes against his skin, his hair falling to one side over his face, John gently moved the hair out of his eyes and tucked it behind his ear.

Sherlock soon woke and looked up at John, his face no longer showed the signs of illness, his flushed cheeks not a rosy glow and his temperature was back to normal. His heart beat was steady and he seemed to have recovered well.

John could hear Madam pomfrey getting ready to leave her room, so he quickly said goodbye to Sherlock and ran outside the door. Sherlock watched as madam pomfrey left her room and went around to check her patients, she then went to open the door of the hospital wing to see John waiting there as if he had only just got there.

"Hello, come to see William, have you?" Sherlock heard her ask.

"If by that you mean Sherlock, then yes" john replied smiling.

She then allowed him into the room and followed john over to sherlocks bed where he pretended to have only just woken, he looked up and saw John, faking surprise.

"Hello John" he said sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Hello Sherlock, how are you feeling today?"

"Better" Sherlock replied as madam pomfrey checked him over.

"It would seem you are right and that you are indeed well again" she told them both. "You are free to go when you are ready"

Sherlock stretched and then it out of his bed where he and john then went straight to the great hall to get some food. They sat down at ravenclaw table where they ate some toast with jam.

A few people looked at them, the two newest quidditch players to the game, there was to be the first game in a week or so and so their faces were well known amongst other houses. Sherlock had quidditch practice today and so he decided to head to the changing rooms early.

John went with him and helped him sort out his quidditch gear.

"Use my broom sherl" john insisted.

"I got it for you, not me" Sherlock told him.

"Yes but I want you to use
It, I don't want you using an old broom which could be dangerous." John said sternly.

"Fine" Sherlock said, taking Johns broom which he was holding out to him.

They then headed to the pitch where Sherlock decided to have a quick little warm up. He sat on the broom and before he took off felt some arms wrap around him and hold him close.

Sherlock took off from the ground and sped around the pitch a few times before touching down. John slid off and Sherlock smiled at him.

"I'll watch from below, then I can keep a close eye on you" he said gently patting Sherlocks arm as the rest of the team began to appear. Soon the whole team had arrived and the captain spoke to them about their plans to beat the other teams.

Not long after they were up in the air, and the snitch was released, john watched Sherlock from the side of the pitch and waited for the practice to begin. Sherlock hovered above the rest of the team, waiting for his moment to strike.

He had been told to not watch the snitch when it was released to test if he could find it again, he soon found it and weaved his way through the players to get a closer aim. A bludger shot past him which he dodged by mere centimeters, John gasped at this, fear of it hitting Sherlock. After another near miss Sherlock decided to end the game by catching the snitch, it was easy and quick due to him keeping close by it.

He touched down and the ravenclaw team cheered his on his success. John came up to him and hugged him. Sherlock handed john his broomstick and they headed back tot he changing rooms so Sherlock could get changed.

When they were done they headed back up to the castle. Where they went to the library and began to do some homework, there was a hogsmeade trip later on in the evening and then it would be back to normal lessons the next day.

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