Chapter 16

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When Sherlock entered the house he was surprised by all the furniture and bright colours, he liked the way this house felt 'lived in' and felt like a real home.

John carried Sherlock's suitcase up the stairs and Sherlock trailed behind with his bag. John lead Sherlock to the spare room that was next door to johns and helped him sort his stuff out.

Sherlock sat down on the bed and once again looked at his aching hand, it had started to bleed through the tissue and he figured he would have to replace the tissue soon. John saw his badly bandaged hand and came over to Sherlock.

"What is that Sherlock?" John asked gently.

"What is what?" Sherlock asked, trying to hide his hand.

"What have you done to your hand?" Said john, now slightly concerned.

"It's nothing, just a small burn." Sherlock said.

"Give me your arm Sherlock" john commanded him gently.

Sherlock slowly stretched out his arm in front of him to where John was standing. John gently took his arm holding it just below his elbow so as to not hurt his hand, he then gently took the tissue away to reveal a swollen burn that was now bleeding.

"Oh Sherlock, what did you do?"

"Just an experiment."

"Look I'm gonna fetch the first aid kit from the bathroom, I'll be quick so don't move."

Sherlock looked down at his hand, he could see it was bad but it wasn't nothing he hadn't done before, he was always getting injured on experiments and no one usually was worried about him. Sherlock was snapped out of his thoughts though when John reentered the room carrying a green first aid kit.

He knelt down in front of Sherlock and the took out a bottle of antiseptic which he then poured onto a cotton pad.

"Sorry, but this might sting a little" said john, reaching forward and holding sherlocks wrist, he then began to clean the wound causing Sherlock to have a quick intake of breath as his eyes began to sting.

Once the wound was cleaned, john took out a small tub that was filled with cream and then began to massage it around the wound and dabbed it over the top. He then wrapped it tightly in a bandage causing Sherlock to take in another quick breath, and stuck it in place.

"There you go Sherlock" said John gently patting him on the shoulder.

"Thankyou john" said Sherlock with a weak smile and his eyes still stinging with tears.

"I did tell you it would sting, but at least it's covered now" john said.

"That is true" Sherlock laughed as a single tear brimmed at his eye and began to trail down his cheek, john went back up to his face and wiped away the tear, looking into sherlocks eyes.

"Try not to hurt yourself again."

"I can't promise anything" Sherlock said with a smile and then stood up and stretched, his shirt tightening and straining at the buttons showing just how skinny Sherlock was, making john feel concerned.

"Have you been eating properly?" John asked.


"You haven't have you? Honestly Sherlock you need to eat, your underweight!" John pointed out with concern. "Come on, let's get you something to eat."

So john gently took Sherlock's arm and lead him back downstairs and into the kitchen, where he began to rummage though the cupboards and made Sherlock a sandwich.

"Come on, eat up, im not letting you go until you do."

Sherlock groaned but ate the sandwich all the same. He had forgotten how hungry he actually was and enjoyed the sandwich greatly.

"Thankyou John, although you can't look after me all the time. I can take care of myself."

"No offense Sherlock, but I think we both know that isn't quite true, in the time I've known you, you've fallen down the stairs and knocked yourself out, you've just burnt your hand and your definitely going to have a scar for that one, I think that's enough evidence that your not entirely safe by yourself, and I'm now going to consider myself your personal doctor" john said with a laugh.

"Okay, so, Doctor Watson, what are we doing now?" Sherlock asked with a smirk.

"Oh I don't know, I hadn't planned this far ahead. Wanna go into town, it's only about half a mile away."

"Sounds wizard, sorry that was a terrible joke" Sherlock said with a laugh.

"Okay, why don't you have a shower and get dressed, I'll wait for you"

So Sherlock went upstairs, following johns directions and carried some clothes to the bathroom, where he showered, and got into his clothes. He chose to wear his favorite shirt which was his purple one, along with a black blazer, black jeans and his favorite purple converse. He then went downstairs to meet John, who was wearing his jumper, blue jeans and red converse.

John shouted to the kitchen to his mum that he was going into town with Sherlock and they left the house and walked down onto the street.

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