Chapter 8

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It was Saturday, no lessons today and Sherlock walked out the main doors and down the steps heading towards the school grounds where he planned on meeting John.

He wore his long black robes with his collar turned up against the wind, his cloak flowed behind him like a cape and his scarf blew across his shoulder gently waving in the breeze. John was waiting underneif the large oak tree at the corner of the lake just by the forbidden woods, he was reading a book on quidditch, he knew he wasn't allowed to play in his first year, but he wanted to know the rules of the game so he would be prepared for when he could join the house team.

Sherlock approached and leaned back against the trunk of the tree, sliding down with his knees tucked up by his face, he fought out his quill and parchment and began to write his potions essay.

"Hi Sherl"

"Hey John." Replied Sherlock barely lifting his head from his parchment.

"We go back home soon, next month."

Sherlock replied with a non-committed grunt showing he'd heard but not really knowing what to answer, he didn't want to go home, back to a place where magic was forbidden and Mycroft would just harass him for information. Sherlock decided that he might stay Christmas at Hogwarts, that way then, he'd be able to practice and experiment so that he could learn new things, he always found that the best way to remember was to learn through practical lessons.

The day went on and soon Sherlock and John had finished all their work, John had finished his but mostly with sherlocks help, it was a good thing having a friend in ravenclaw, they always knew the answers.

Sherlock had a lot of problems with being seen as a show off and annoying, John had gotten used to it, knowing Sherlock meant no harm and it was just the way he was, however there were some people that disliked him greatly for it.

Sherlock managed however to get through all the snide comments and cruel words to make it through to the Christmas holidays where he found that John was intending to spend Christmas at Hogwarts with Sherlock.

They went through the corridors and wondered about the school, there was a trip to hogsmeade this weekend, naturally Sherlock already knew a lot about hogsmeade due to his general knowledge, Sherlock had a thing for remembering things no one else ever could.

John and Sherlock talked about hogsmeade whenever there was nothing else to talk about, there was only around a week or so until Christmas, and the weather outside was becoming icy and cold.

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