Chapter 5

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The next few days at Hogwarts school passed by, Sherlock already knew a lot about each subject due to his keen interest whilst he had been locked away in his bedroom at home, mycroft had thought him strange from the start, to hear the news hadn't truly surprised him, he always thought Sherlock was weird so to be a wizard didn't seem that out of the ordinary.

John and Sherlock had also had several other lessons together, herbology was a entertaining lesson where Sherlock came across a mandrake trying to bite him and ended up getting annoyed and stuffing it into the pot with such force it was almost stunned to silence, but then as it began to scream again it was muffled because of the heavy mounds of earth that Sherlock had then shoved on top of it, and suffocating it more than he was planting it.

They had also had a charms lesson together, the gryffindors were keen to outsmart the ravenclaw but naturally this rarely ever happened because a ravenclaw was in that house for one particular reason and it was the wit and wisdom that they all possessed. It had began with john and Sherlock waiting outside the class, they were catching up with each other and what they'd been up to, when a short little wizard came by, he was the head of ravenclaw house, professor Flitwick was his name. He walked into the classroom instructing the rest of the class to follow him and take their seats, john and Sherlock took a table near the back of the class where they figured they would be able to talk in whispers without being noticed.

"Charms. A skill you will require throughout your wizarding life. And today you are going to learn how to make a object fly, the larger the object the harder the task, so today we're going to start with paper clips."

"But easy isn't it?" Whispered Sherlock in johns ear.

"I dunno, I've never made anything fly before, anyway how are would you know it was easy?"  Whispered back John.

"It's a simple spell really, john" whispered Sherlock, "don't worry I'll help you." He added at the look on johns face.

So then the lesson began, and everyone began to try to make their paper clips fly, the whispers and shouts of "wingardium leviosa" filled the room, and barely anyone made theirs fly, except Sherlock, he's practiced it in his mind palace many times. Sherlock soon moved onto larger objects but john was still struggling, Sherlock felt bad and decided to help him in the best way he could think of.

"Wingardium leviosa" whispered Sherlock, demonstrating to john with his own wand, his wand was slender, made of elm wood, 10 3/4 inches with a Phoenix feather core, john still wasn't succeeding. Sherlock went behind John and held his wrist and got john to say the spell and guided his hand through the movement, gradually the paper clip began to rise and float with no strings attached.

John was stood in awe, as he watched it float in front of his eyes, Sherlock began smiling, and john smiled back, "thanks Sherlock".

Yet again five points to gryffindor and five to ravenclaw. "Well done Holmes! excellent work!" Cried professor Flitwick. Not long after, the lesson was ended and Sherlock and John left the class for break.

So Sherlock and John went outside into the school grounds and Sherlock began to read, John then decided to do some potions transfiguration homework that was due in their next lesson, John sat there for sometime staring at his work only have written a few lines.

Sherlock was stuck in his thoughts, not speaking a word, mumbling sometimes, and John tried to rack his brain for knowledge and scan through pages of transfiguration, still with no progress, he decided to resort to Sherlock.

"Um, Sherl, do you think maybe you could help me with this" he said, Sherlock gave no reply so John gave him a gentle tap, this for some reason caused Sherlock to react by grabbing Johns arm and twisting it, having soon realized what he was doing he let go.

"Sorry John, thought you were someone else possibly something else."

"Like what?" panted John trying to recover from this frightening ordeal.

"Well you could have been someone trying to attack me whilst I was at my most vulnerable, you must understand why I reacted in the way I did, once again I'm sorry John."

"It's-- fine. Fine." Stuttered John but then beginning to smile, this yet again caused Sherlock to smirk and do that deep throaty laugh that John found even more amusing. "So can you help me then, Sherlock please."

"Oh, what subject?" Asked Sherlock in a curious tone.

"Transfiguration, you know, next lesson."

"Ah, oh that's simple enough." Replied Sherlock and began to help John with his work, so that when they entered transfiguration both of them were safe from any form of punishment.

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