Chapter 3

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On the platform Sherlock and John waited in excitement and anxiety for what was to come next, a witch began to call out from a distance, she was very short and carried a lantern held up in front of her.

"First years this way! First years!" Sherlock and John joined up with a load of other first years and hustled together, everyone's robes were black, with no house colour, their ties also had no colour, they were all identical not yet sure what house they would be sorted into, the witch lead them through some trees where they came across a lake. On the lake just in front of them sat a whole cluster of boats, the children got into the boats and John and Sherlock ended up sitting opposite each other, ahead of them loomed a giant castle that's light through the windows glimmered on the water, dancing in the ripples and creating intricate patterns.

John stared up at the castle in amazement, whereas Sherlock just rocked back and forth within the boat, as it glided over the ribbons or water, after a few minutes traveling across the lake they got to the other side and bumped into the side of the lake, it was beginning to rain and so the witch began to guide them up the stone path up to the entrance, the doors looked like they were made for giants, being about ten meters high and made of solid oak, they were guided through the corridors to the main hall, where they waited outside, shivering in the cold and dampness of their clothes, Sherlocks frame was shown, his shoulder blades stuck out clearly against his spine because his clothes were so damp, he clearly hadn't been eating properly for a while, Sherlock gave a shudder as they waited outside in suspense.

They were then called though by a talk witch with a long crooked nose who addressed herself as professor mcgonagall head of gryffindor house, and lead them through to the front of the main hall, past excited students and noisy whispering, her presence made the other students become quieter but not silent as she carried a old tattered hat to the front and sat it on a stool, Sherlock and john waited, there new found unexpected friendship that made them hope against separation, professor mcgonagall called out different children who were sorted into slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff and ravenclaw.
"Holmes, Sherlock" was called out so Sherlock reluctantly walked up to the stool, John did a thumbs up at him and a wide smile to encourage him, and the hat was placed upon his head, the hat began to talk into sherlocks ear, so that nobody else could hear.

"Hmm, interesting, very interesting, your clever, but your also brave like a gryffindor, but yet your determined to do anything you can to prove yourself, possibly a slytherin."
"And your point is..."
"Your sly, arrogant also some would say--"
"Watch your mouth you, or I'll tear you to shreds"
"Your clever though, as I have said before, you have memorized most of your textbooks and keen to show your knowledge"
The hat was there for a while before I finally screamed "RAVENCLAW!"
It was clear that sherlocks mind had a lot of separate characters and dispositions, he was extremely smart and knew about almost anything, but yet he was brave, but yet he could also be considered a slytherin due to his lack of emotions and cold hearted thoughts.

It was Johns go not long after and he had the hat barely touch his head before it had shouted gryffindor, screams if excitement and joy had come from the gryffindor table same as they had when Sherlock had joined the ravenclaw table, Sherlock also observed that his robes and tie had become coloured to his house, the hood lining to his cloak and stripes of his tie had become blue and bronze, out of boredom he took out his wand and began to twirl it in his fingers, already knowing so many spells and jinxs since he had received his letter, he had originally thought it was some weird kind of joke from his brother mycroft but it seemed to irresponsible of an idea for mycroft to even consider the existence of magic.

After all the children had been sorted into their houses and their robes had adapted to their house colours, a very old wizard at the front of all of them stood up, his name was Albus Dumbledore and he was the headmaster of hogwarts school, Sherlock began to deduce people at random so he could learn about the people around him, he learnt that the girl across from him had come from a poor family and owned a dog at home, this was shown by the dog hairs stuck to her clothing, also the boy next to Sherlock, was actually from a very wealthy family but trusted few people, he saw that his name was Thomas from the squiggled writing on each of his books sticking out his school bag.

After Dumbledore had finished speaking, there was a feast and all sorts of various dishes appeared on the tables, Sherlock didn't eat anything except a few nibbles of toast, that he then pushed away from him, one of the older years tapped Sherlock on the shoulder, "you gotta eat!", but Sherlock just ignored him and let the boy assuming sherlock was nervous. They then they left to go bed and were shown to their dormitories and set up for he night, everyone stared at Sherlock and no one spoke to him. He was once again alone, but he was used to being alone so he didn't mind too much.

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