Chapter 26

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John held the broomstick in his left hand and pulled Sherlock along with his right, they went through the main doors and out onto the pitch, john got onto the broom and willed Sherlock to get on the back. Sherlock reluctantly got onto the broom with John and looked for a place to hold on.

Finally he wrapped his slender arms around Johns waist and John took off from the ground, they were racing through the air and up around the goal hoops.

John laughed and so did Sherlock as the wind whipped at their faces, they hadn't been on a broom this fast before, it was quicker and more agile than any other and they turned quickly, Sherlock had to hold tighter around John for fear of falling off.

"Hold on Sherlock!" John laughed.

Sherlock went into a dive, it was sudden and quick and Sherlock wasn't ready for it, he began to become faint until he lost consciousness and his grip let go, he felt himself fall through the air but then soon found himself grabbed by the shoulders in one arm and his legs held in the other.

"You okay?" John asked gently.

"What happened?" Sherlock asked weakly.

"Well we went into a dive and you just kind of fainted and fell, but don't worry I'll never let you fall." John said still holding him in his arms.

Sherlock looked up at John, he was still slightly faint but he didn't mind too much. Johns blue eyes looked at him with concern as Sherlock laid there.

"Wanna try again?" John asked.

"Yeah" Sherlock said grinning.

"Right hold onto my neck and I'll help you back onto the broom, okay careful now" john guided him as he slipped over angelically onto the back of the broom.

"Right, hold on properly now" john told him, to which Sherlock wound his arms tightly round John and rested his chin on his shoulder, breathing slowly into his ear.

John tilted up and went around again, leaning into the broom with Sherlock tight against him, they raced the wind and then they went into the clouds together. Sherlock gasped for breath as he looked down, he shut his eyes tightly and held on tighter to John, his knuckles going white. John looked over his shoulder to Sherlock and saw how he had pressed himself even closer against him.

"Are you okay?" John asked with concern etched onto his face. Sherlock looked up at John, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, just not keen on heights unless I'm in complete control" Sherlock mumbled.

"I'm not going to let you fall" john said, holding onto sherlocks hands that were held tightly against him, "promise" he whispered.

Sherlock felt the strength of Johns hand holding his hands firmly in place so that even if he did faint he wouldn't fall. He felt safe where he was even though he was above the clouds. They hovered there for a bit, john holding sherlocks hand in one of his and the broom in the other.

"Ready?" John said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. Sherlock nodded and then held even tighter into John, his head burrowed into Johns shoulder blades. John leaned the broom to the ground and Sherlock held as tightly as he could, he felt the dropping sensation as if he was going down a slide or on a swing.

Johns hand held his the whole time, keeping Sherlock feeling safe from harm. He then pulled out of the dive and they cruised along in the sunshine, spiraling the goal hoops and Sherlock nuzzled into the crook in Johns neck.

"You okay?" John whispered into sherlocks ear.

"Yeah." Sherlock smiled.

John gently touched down, Sherlock still clinging to his waist.

"Your turn" said John, gently easing sherlocks cold hands from his waist and turning to face him. Sherlock looked up at him and then around himself.

"Fine" Sherlock said with a sigh, he snaked his way around John and sat in front of him on the broom. John held onto Sherlocks sides and they took off from the ground.

Sherlocks agility and quick change in directions caused john to wrap his arms around sherlocks thin frame. Sherlock could feel Johns heartbeat against his spine and his breath against the back of his neck, it sent tingles down his spine as he felt it against his cool skin.

Their cloaks tangled behind them in the wind and they looped through the hoops and into the sky, resting gently above the clouds. The sunlight made Sherlocks eyes glow, they were blue, green and grey and they were full of energy.

John looked up at Sherlock, his smile was growing as the sunlight shone on his pale skin. Johns sandy blonde hair reflected the sun and glinted into Sherlocks eyes causing him to squint.

"Your turn" Sherlock said with a joke of a menacing smile. He tilted the broom down, John holding tightly onto Sherlock as they fell through the clouds and into the warm air. As they skimmed the ground John held on using his knees against Sherlock and let go, his arms outstretched to their full wingspan. He was laughing and so was Sherlock.

"Hold on, okay?" Sherlock told him firmly, he then pulled the broom into a twist and so they sped along from upright to upside down several times and then did a somersault at the end.

"That was terrific!" John exclaimed as they touched down and they both slipped off the broom. "Thankyou Sherl" John said lifting him by the waist and spinning him so that his feet didn't touch the ground. His scarf whipped out about him and Sherlock became dizzy in the grip of Johns arms and so held onto them for grip.

John then set him down on the floor where he wobbled momentarily on his feet. John steadied him and they stood there laughing, he then put his broomstick away in his locker in the quidditch changing rooms and went back outside into the breeze.

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