Chapter 30

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They headed out of the library and ran to the main entrance. Sherlock was wearing his coat which flew behind him like it had a mind of its own, john wore his favorite jacket over a light blue plaid cotton shirt. John was wearing a pair of blue low top vans and Sherlock was wearing his purple converse.

They halted at the steps and waited to be signed out to leave by filch the caretaker. They then left and began the walk to the path to hogsmeade, when they arrived the sun was just setting and they decided to head to honeydukes first.

They glanced over the shelves and bought some Bertie botts every flavor beans to share later on and then they went to the quidditch shop where they looked at the brooms and equipment. Sherlock yet again drooled at the firebolt which he intended to purchase for himself some point in the near future.

They then went into the hogshead where john bought a butterbeer and Sherlock had a coffee, black two sugars. He slowly drank it and talked with John about quidditch.

They then headed back up to the castle as it started to rain and when they got back they had water droplets hanging all over their hair and clothes. Sherlock looked at their dripping clothes and laughed before taking his wand and drying them out, he then pointed his wand at John who looked at him expectantly and then had his own clothes dried. They're hair was still dripping slightly and droplets ran down their faces onto their shoulders.

They then sat up for a bit by the fire in the gryffindor common room and talked about what they were gonna do in the summer holidays which were in July, that was around four months from now and they were already saying about John coming round Sherlock's house.

They then started talking about the first match of hufflepuff against gryffindor which would be in a weeks time. Sherlock talked to John about different tricks he could use which john tried to remember to help him in the game. He also told john about the other teams most common moves so that he could take advantage of their weaknesses. John chuckled as he listed to Sherlock talk, fascinated by the knowledge that he knew.

"What?" Sherlock asked suddenly.

"Just-- you" John laughed again, "you've only been watching them for a few weeks"

"Yes, well, it's not hard to see their most likely moves when you've seen them more than twice practicing on the quidditch pitch." Sherlock explained before looking at john again to see him laughing. "Please can you stop, it's very distracting"

"Never gonna happen" john joked, he then laughed more, causing Sherlock to chuckle, it was a deep chuckle that lead to john going into hysterics and Sherlock crying whilst holding his sides.

"I'm going to kill you Watson!" Sherlock said in as stern a voice as he could muster but then laughing again so that he was lying on the floor his ribs aching.

"Oh mr Holmes if only you could catch me" John laughed before standing up and running behind one his chair.

Sherlock stood up to and went one way round the chair so John just went the other, Sherlock then headed the other and john laughed as he then also went the other, Sherlock then stood back, a mischievous grin spread over his face.

Sherlock then ran forward stood onto the chair and jumped to where John had been standing before hand.  

"What the heck!" John exclaimed and then ran to the other side of the room, Sherlock took out his wand and muttered a spell, John looked momentarily confused and then let out a muffled scream as he felt a force pull him towards Sherlock. He was then standing right up to Sherlock, his hands protecting his face held in front of him. Sherlock said tapping Johns nose with his wand.

"Caught you Watson" he said with a sly grin. He then stood back and then laughed again as John looked around him and then back at Sherlock with a bemused look on his face.

Sherlock then slipped his wand back into his jeans belt and then sat down in the seat on the right of the fire.

"You know, I didn't consider using magic" John said after a while as he sat on the left of he fire opposite Sherlock.

"Your a wizard John, I would've thought the idea would come naturally." Sherlock pointed out.

"Yeah, but I didn't know I was going to be one did I?"

"Touché" Sherlock replied, "Defense against the dark outs tomorrow, did you finish your homework?"

"Yeah, I think it's done"

"Go check, might be fun"

"Really, only you would call School work fun" john said chuckling.

John left the room and Sherlock sat in his thoughts for a while, thinking ahead about quidditch, he wanted to impress the team and win the game, ravenclaw first game was against slytherin and Sherlock wasn't exactly friendly with them. His cleverness seemed to make him a good target and so he tried to avoid the slytherins at all cost.

John returned to the room and was carrying a single charms book and some parchment and a quill.

"It would appear I haven't done my charms homework, wish to watch?" John sighed.

"Mind if I help?" Sherlock asked suddenly alert and interested.

"Help yourself" John said with a smile as Sherlock picked up the book and began to go through the homework with him. Less than half an hour later it was finished and they went back to talking about whatever came across their thoughts. It was soon nine fifty so Sherlock decided to head back to his dormitory and sleep for the coming day, he bud john farewell and left the common room, he took a secret passage which took him to the entrance of ravenclaw common room. He answered the statues question and entered. He then changed and fell asleep in one of the armchairs, reading a book on jinxs.

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