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To start this off, I will just say that this story doesn't necessarily make sense. The main characters are animatronics, who, in common sense do not have the capabilities of having emotions or expressing human like actions (blushing, etc.), but for the sake of the storyline (since this is a love story) I will make it so that they can do that. Don't like it, don't read it.

Characters belong to the developers of FNAF, not mine.

Mangle's POV

The sound of wheels echo's upon my chamber, in which no light can enter...

**Third person***
Upon the New animatronic's delivery, 4 animatronics were left curious of what she could be, little did they know someone was watching from afar

"Ugh..it's annoying to wait for this animatronic, why can't they deliver it faster" whined Freddy

"Be patient, Freddy, i'm sure they'll be here in a minute" reasoned Chica

" That's what she said" said Bonnie, rolling his eyes

"Now, now, lad the poor gal' just tryin' to reason, there aint' no need to blame 'er" an eye patch wearing fox said

"The fox does have a point" a voice said, seemingly coming from the walls

"What the fu- hell! Springtrap, please have the decency to not jump in on a conversation without being invited! It's rude and scares the crap out of me!" Scolded Freddy, having enough of Springtrap's rude antics..

Suddenly the door busted open..the animatronics stumbled, bumping on eachother trying to go back to their previous position, standing upon an old, squeeky, wooden stage.

Infront of them was the new animatronic, seemingly standing out from the rest, with its pink and opaque colours.

Mangle, POV

I was placed infront of a stage, ontop of it was 4 others, one of them, i had a close resemblance. The humans, as i would like to call them, has now took off, one of them was snarky enough to slip in a few insults about the place that i am in, i then, averted my hazel eyes - seemingly turning into a bright shade of yellow as it glows-, to the animatronics infront of me.

"Hello there, it is a pleasure to be of your aquaintance, my name is Mangle and i am the new animatronic" i said

"Yikes, i didin't see that coming" murmured loudly of a purple bunny

"Shh! *cough* uhhh, my name is Freddy and i am the one who leads this band----....he explained further, but i didn't bother listening, my eyes averted to the corner, where golden eyes were watching me from afar.

our animatronic love. /heavy editing/Where stories live. Discover now