x-mas special

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Human! springtrap x human! mangle: under the mistletoe (AU)
Happy advanced christmas!!

Mangle's POV
'As i awoke from my slumber, a thought hits me like a train 'oh my gosh its christmas!' And with that i jumped out of bed and got ready for the day 'you see, i plan on spending my christmas with my bestfriend springtrap, aswell as confessing to him, i've had feelings for him since we were kids, and i thought that today would be the best day to confess to him' i went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen,since springtrap isi'nt here until
4 p.m. i decided i would make some gingerbread cookies, so i took my recipe book and flipped through the pages, when i found the recipe i took out the ingredients and followed the instructions "Soo..it says here that this recipe can make 2 batches of cookies, perfect! So..one cup of sugar,two cups of flour,some ginger and cinnamon and a pinch of salt, then mix the dry ingredients together, okay! Sounds easy enough" i say reading the instructions thoroughly "So now for the wet ingredients, 5 egg whites and a table spoon of vanilla extract, then mix the wet ingredients, then mix with the dry ingredients" i read following the instructions and finaly making a dough, then putting it in the refrigirator for two hours

-smol time skipehh-
'It has been two hours and the time is 1:00 p.m. , so i headed to the kitchen and took the dough out of the fridge, i cut the dough in half, and set aside the other one, i flattened the dough with a rolling pin, and cut it with a cookie cutter, and did the same to the other, after that i put in the oven, the cookies didin't take long to cook since it was already cooked in 30 minutes, i glanced at the clock, it was already 2:00 which means springtrap will be here in 2 hours, so i started by cooling down the cookies before i started decorating the cookies with icing, which i can proudly say that i made my self without any instructions from a book, after icing the cookies, i started to wash the utensils, i glanced at the clock, it was already 3:00 p.m! Just an hour left before springtrap is here *ding dong* well speak of the devil he's already here, i walked to the doorway and opened the door "well look who's early?" I said raising my brow " well, sorry 'bout that , guess you could say i was a bit excited" he said with an amused tone " anyway lets go inside , i have a freshley baked cookies in the pantry if you want" i offered him " oh, sure i'd love some" he said "ok, sit there on the couch while i get them" i said to him, and he gladly obliged
, i walked to the kitchen and grabed the freshly baked cookies and headed back to the living room, "here you go" i say placing dow the tray on the coffee table, he grabbed a cookie and took a bite, and immediatley his eyes widened " oh my gosh! This is the best cookies i've ever tasted!" He says 'of course it is, i made it with my love for you' i say to him in my thoughts "oh thanks, so i was thinking we should watch some movies" i say "oh well i was planning for us to go to the park, well of course if thats okay with you" " oh, yes it is i'll just get my coat"


'We were strolling down the snowy park until springtrap suddenly stopped and looked up "whats the matter?" I asked, he pointed upwards , i looked up and saw a mistletoe! hanging on a lampost, i blushed furiously "s-s-s-so d-do y-y-you w-wann-- i was cut off by springtrap smashing his lips on mine , my eyes widened ,but slowly shut as i kiss back, then we pulled away "i love you mangle" springtrap said huskily "i love you too, since we were kids" , and then we kissed again , under a mistletoe in a snowy christmas


Hi guys hoped you liked the x-mas special!!

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