foxy's nightmare

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Foxy's POV

"Its been a long day, and i can't beileve that springtrap bastard just have to ask mangle for a date,you know what i think i'll have a sleep, i've been thinking about mangle the whole time ,that i've been awake for two nights,and ofcourse i can't have mangle see me like this.

The dream~

Me and mangle was spending another day of being bestfreinds,and everyday we became closer and closer,i wonder if she likes me more than a freind? Well i guess i'll find out soon, 'cause today is the day i'll confess to her.

I was walking up to her and greeted "good morning mangle" "good morning foxy!" She greeted with a smile, oh that smile...the most beautiful smile..the smile that makes my heart leap from joy  " so umm.. mangle will you meet me at pirates cove at  
2 o'clock i need to talk to you privately
I said glancing behind her,seeing other animatronics.


It was 2 o'clock and i was waiting for mangle to arrive


Right now mangle is infront of me . "Soo what did you want to talk about"
She asked " you alot for a long time now" i said looking at my feet "uuhhh you do..? She asked,i nodded "i...i have to go"  and with that she left me.


Its been weeks since my confession and mangle has been avoiding me and i have to talk to her.


I saw mangle walking down the hallway,i shouted her name but she kept going, so i started to run,she noticed and runned as well but unfotunatly for her it was a dead end.
"S...stay away from me" she said " mangle i just want to talk to you,please calm down" "NO! Dont you understand i dont like you and i'll never will!!"

End of dream~

I woke up panting and gasping for air
I guess i know my fear now,fear of getting rejected.


Hey guys!! So i hope you enjoy the chapter and see you soon!!😁😁😄😄

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