???srsly i have no idea what to call this chapter

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So for this chapter i'm gonna focus more on the other animatronics, cause from what i noticed is that i've been focusing more on the love triangle than the other animatronics,so this is just a little scenario about the other animatronics. Enjoy!

Freddy's POV
"So...chica whats for dinner"i said hoping its not pizza "Oh! Its pizza" "ugh again" "i know,i know,but i promise this is gonna be diffrent"she said "you allways say that,but its just the same" i said "just trust me"she said "well this better be good" i muttered "oh cheer up freddy i'm sure its different,besides atleast it tastes good" bonnie said "oh please stop defending her and just tell her that you like her" i said like it was the most obvious thing "w-w-what a-are you t-t-talking about!!?" He said blushing "well your face says so" i said looking at hes flustered face "u-umm..."chica said also flustered "what you like him too dont ya~"i said,chica blushed redder than a tomato "umm...can we just eat"bonnie said "fine,though tell me when the wedding is happening, i'll be more than happy to the best man~~" i said teasingly,they blushed like 100 shades of red if thats even possible"well then lets eat" i continued..........it was very akward when we were eating,i mean bonnie and chica were blushing while glancing at eachother and i...i was just staring at them "so....hows your day going bonnie?"i said breaking the silence "o-oh it..went fine...iguess" he said still flustered "how bout you chica?" "It went fine as well"she said then it started to get akward,oh boy this is gonna be a long day"


Hey guys! Thank you so so so much for 1k reads its much apreciated im so thankfull right now!!!! Im just really happy!! Anyways i hope you had a wonder full day and i'll see you guys on the next chapter!! Bye!!!

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