a day with springtrap pt2

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Omg that meme up there☝ is so cute!
Also if your wondering what time springtrap picked mangle by her place,well its around 5'oclock so its pretty late

Mangle's POV

"My stomache begun growling" " hmm looks like someones hungry,don't worry i just finished cooking dinner,i'm just going to prepare it" ( yes!! Springtrap can cook!) "Thank you springtrap" i said. "its  was no problem" springtrap said preparing the meal. I was about to pull my chair ,but springtrap pulled it out for me (what a gentleman!) And sat down on the other side of the table, we were having steak for dinner,and i'll have to admitt it was good,i never knew springtrap could cook so amazingly the steak was perfectly cooked,the flavors was exploding in my mouth it was so good!

Time skip after dinner

Third person

"After mangle and springtrap was done eating they played games,told jokes and having lots of fun,but what they didint knpw is that a certain animatronic was watching them,its eyes were filled with jealousy and anger,it hated springtrap so much,it hated how he took mangle away from him,oh how it wished that he could be springtrap,and how he wished to be with mangle,he would do anything it takes just to be with mangle,even if he had to kill springtrap,he will do anything to make mangle happy,he will do anything for his love ,though he has to wait for the right time.

Mangle's POV

"Tonight has been fun springtrap (don't get the wrong idea)anyways i'll be off now" "oh let me walk you to your place" springtrap said "ok" i said.after spring trap walked me to my place i headed to bed and stared at the ceiling "today has been so much fun,i might actully find myself falling for springtrap" and with that i dozed of to sleep with a smile.


Well there you go guys i hope you enjoy see you at the next chapter byyyeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

our animatronic love. /heavy editing/Where stories live. Discover now