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Mangle's POV

Stupidly, I forgot to ask where the meeting was being held. So, to compensate, I walked my way to the main room, where I met others earlier, hoping to find someone I can walk with to the meeting. Whilst walking, I felt rather strange. It was as if someone was following me.

Springtrap's POV

Mangle's eyes shifted towards me. Her head tilted innocently, urging me to talk.

"Why hello there, fair maiden" I said, flirtingly, letting a smirk appear on my face. She blushed ,"Ya' know you're quite cute when you blush", I continued, slightly carressing her reddening cheek with my finger. And as if it she couldn't get any redder, she just did. 'Heh..cute', "Now, to put that aside I just came here to ask you something", I said.

"What is it?", asked her "I just wanted to ask you if I could accompany you to your destination?" I offered her "Oh, yes, of course.", replied Mangle.

~~~~~third person~~~~~

Mangle and Springtrap walked peacefully with a bit of small talk here and there. A moment after that they went into the backstage, "Oh! Mangle, Springtrap i'm glad you could make it" Chica welcomed, "-And i'm glad you didn't come out of nowhere.", Freddy sighed out, "Yea t's pretty creepy hav'n an animatronic listening to our talking." said Foxy, with memories of Springtrap scaring the crap out of him.

Mangle's POV

I silently giggled at Foxy's state, Foxy then averted his gaze and smirked at me, accomplishment shone through his eyes "Well enough about that, what are we going to talk about?", I asked, "We are going to talk about some of the rules and regulations, which i believe some of us already know about.", Freddy stated,"But Freddy we already know the rules and regulation, and what to do when the night guard spots one of us, why can't you discuss it with Mangle only." Chica complained, all the animatronics nodded, silently agreeing to her statement.

"But if i discuss it with mangle it will just feel awkward for me , then when I feel awkward she'll just feel awkward her self just like how awkward it was when I discussed everything with you when you were the new animatronic, and besides this way i'll be able to assure that all of us will have no misunderstandings."

"Ok fine we'll just discuss everything to Mangle with you, happy now?" Chica sarcasticaly said, "Yes, very infact." Freddy replied. After that, we decided it was time to go to our own seperate rooms, but then Springtrap offered to show me my place.

Springtrap's POV

I decided to show Mangle her place, while we were walking I couldn't help but stare at Mangle's hazel eyes " 'Hah she's so pretty... wait come on man, I can't be falling for her this easily' .

*******to be continued*******

Sorry guys if its a short chapter again its beacause i have school tommorow and i'll be waking up 5:30 in the morning and its like 9:26 pm right now so goodbye!

(Edited 3/18/19)

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